Taken with an old camera

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Often wondered what kind of camera took pics like these.
Its not that old theres a mouse in the bottom right:LOL:

Great shot of how we used to live in the "mining era" and brings back memories of the 70s although this looks older(y)
My guess is '50s or earlier. I've worked out that the mouse is a soldering iron, I've spotted at middle of the right hand edge a rat, or maybe it's just a pair of molegrips.

This would be what some call the good old days when beer was a ha'penny a gallon eh?
the era is the late 40s (I think).

It is a mining village, I have about 20 of these pics, I did have a website, on the history of the village called Thurnscoe, (the largest village in England)


These houses were lived in in the early 50s
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I think every photographer thinks he has the proper one.


He died happy. :LOL:


My house in Thurnscoe, there are two sides to every location. :cool:
Does anyone else think that in 50/60 years there will be a distinct lack of photos of our time?

Will technology move on so fast that our current memory systems will be far gone and obselete rendering our jpegs and raw files lost forever?

I am as guilty as the next man for dumping my latest session on to the hard drive and forgeting them. But seeing pictures like this, which obviously 'physically' exist does make me feel like printing every image that i take. If not for myself but for a future generation to discover in a dusty loft!
The thing which makes these and other old photographs special is not the sharpness or tonality or depth of field or any other technical details but it is the subject matter which is different to what we would expect today.

A lot of these old pictures are of the type which would just get deleted today as it is the passage of time which has made them interesting.

A recent thread here showed that around 80% of people responding did not print anything and many of the other 20% only printed their best shots.

So start printing or there will be nothing left for future generations to see. Once you are gone, no one is going to continue with whatever file backup regime you have and the files will just disappear.

Or you can use film like me and employ the box in a cupboard filing system!

for a future generation to discover in a dusty loft!

A point I have made before is that if you are clearing out the house of a deceased relative and you find an old album, invariably you will stop and have a look through it and someone will take it home. In the same scenario but finding a CD instead of an album, it will either be thrown out or put with some other stuff to be dealt with later. Even if it does get looked at, it will be put in a safe place where it can slowly self destruct.

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I love these pics! Would Love to know what cam took them and if there are still any about! Either original or Replica...