Tangmere - Bath & Bristol

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First pictures on here & first pictures of anything really moving, would like to know how these could be improved, my monitor isn't calibrated so let me know if they are way out. Thanks


Light better on first than second. However would prefer composition of second (However not just the standard train spotter fron 3 quarter view) with entire train as opposed to cutting off first coach unless using a natural break (Tree etc)
I actually really like the 2nd one, but then im a firm believer that not every train shot has to be in perfect sun. Its really sharp and nicely composed.

Not overkeen on the first if im honest. Light is good, but all thats done is give unsightly reflections on the side of the loco. Im not a big fan of the composition either, sorry.
#2 would benefit greatly from a B&W conversion I think. Would bring out more detail than the muted colour version.
Compositionally I prefer the whole train or hide behind some lineside feature.
Lighting, hmmm the elusive glint is much sought after amongst steam photographers.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevin-staddon/ no glints though

Not overkeen on the first if im honest. Light is good, but all thats done is give unsightly reflections on the side of the loco. Im not a big fan of the composition either, sorry.[/QUOTE]
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The colour of the sky in the first shot looks off and my own personal preference is to treat the train as a whole and not to cut it off, unless using tunnels, hedges etc.

The second shot is a more dramatic viewpoint with plenty of detail, for instance the glow in the cab from the fire.
Just a pity you couldn't have used that lovely low sun that's showing behind the loco.
Thanks for the comments, given me a few ideas for next time. :)
my own personal preference is to treat the train as a whole and not to cut it off

would prefer composition of second ........... with entire train as opposed to cutting off first coach unless using a natural break

Depends what you are trying to photograph - the train or the loco ? Personally I prefer the loco, they tend to be in better order than a lot of the third rate rolling stock that is dragged out for many of these specials - VSOE excluded of course !


Horrible !

Dweeb, you take what you want !
I take you point on that one not that I usualy bother ith UK stuff these days.
A complete unifrom rake or freight is much better.