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I have browsed a few of the glamour and portrait photos and it seems that many of the models have tattoos.

Am I alone in finding this somewhat disfiguring in models?
I have browsed a few of the glamour and portrait photos and it seems that many of the models have tattoos.

Am I alone in finding this somewhat disfiguring in models?

It depends on the tattoo and location for me but a lot on a single model does look awful IMO.

KeithH said:
I've heard them called Tramp Stamps

Thats traditionally said of the lower back tattoo's
The sharing sections are for images not discussions, so moving to talk P.
Whilst searching on a couple of model sites for the next Herts studio meet I just ignored so many girls because of tattoo's.

People in glass houses & all that..... I have them on my arms, but I really, really regret having them, and that was about 30 years ago now.

Getting back to the subject... Yes, it does put me off, the odd small one on the back, on the bum etc I can handle, but that's about it.

I know the Goth & "Alternative Model" thing is currently in, but it still puts me off. Obviously it's a personal thing though....

I know the Goth & "Alternative Model" thing is currently in, but it still puts me off. Obviously it's a personal thing though....

I prefer it to the flat ironed haired mens mag Essex girl look by far. If you're going to get a tattoo get something meaningful not the standard "arty" thing girls get above their thong.
I'm with Pete on this one.....
Would rather see an "original" tattoo, than the "XFactor Wannabe" stereotype.

All down to individual taste and I certainly can't object as I'm currently designing another one for me to add to my collection. Only regret I have for any of my current tats, is that the first one I ever got should have been bigger.

Playing devils advocate here, was wondering whether the OP has the same opinion for both the male and female models......
I prefer it to the flat ironed haired mens mag Essex girl look by far. If you're going to get a tattoo get something meaningful not the standard "arty" thing girls get above their thong.


People with good tattoos look good, people with bad tattoos look bad. What's 'good' and 'bad' depends, in this context, what you want from the photograph. All the portrait stuff I do is 'alternative', so tattoos are pretty much the norm.
In this day and age I really find it unbelievable, that people still associate how a persons character is because of there dress or indeed how they show there skin art, the choice is theres, the photographer also has the choice to photograph or not.
I personally hate to see the boob implants and how false they look, make up that has just been plasted on, rings and studes sticking out all over, yet Photographers find it great, i for one would rather photograph a lady as natural as she comes, and she don't need to be half naked to look the part. she does not have to be a Barbie look alike neither to get attention.

Now i'am telling myself to shut up!!!!!!!!!!!:bonk:
I see nothing wrong with tattoos. They look fine too. few or many... fine ..
But this is it... it's my opinion.
Someone will really like mono... some like colour.

however how far to tattoos date back in time?
It depends on what it is and where it is some can look like body art some can look "cheap and tarty" ( either sex)
I am tat free never felt the need TBH

This is interesting

bronze age
in 1991, a five thousand year old tattooed man ‘ötzi the ice man’
made the headlines of newspapers all over the world when
his frozen body was discovered on a mountain between
austria and italy.
this is the best preserved corpse of that period ever found.
the skin bears 57 tattoos: a cross on the inside of the left knee,
six straight lines 15 centimeters long above the kidneys and
numerous parallel lines on the ankles.
the position of the tattoo marks suggests that they were probably
applied for therapeutic reasons (treatment of arthritis).
if you don't like them you know what you can do

Well no I don't really.... I mean I hate mine, other than having "skin replacement therapy" I'm not sure what I can do about it.

The stupid things you do as a teenager :thinking:

On some people they work. Here is my evidence

I have one on my lower back.

It's a lily with some leaves and it is there as a remembrance of my late husband and my parents.

Some may think it's naff but I thought long and hard before I had it done and I don't regret it for a minute.
People have tattoos for many reasons, do please bear that in mind before you judge their character.
I have two tattoos and they are very personal to me and any photo that includes them for me i like ........and that certainly doesn't make me a tramp......its all about individuality i suppose however some can be sexy....xx
I have tattoo's on my lower back.........but, going by that they go all the way up my back as i have a Japanese Suit, nearly finished, just gotta get the top left of my thigh done, and then onto the armpit's and inner arms which i know is gonna hurt like hell:thumbsdown: I like some tattooed girls, i think that as it's your body you should use it as you see fit. I see mine as a canvas, and my body suit is gonna be the art on it. I love every bit of my "Tattoo" as i class it as one big one, and not many little ones;)
I have four tattoo's and all of mine can be easily covered up. Every one of the tattoo's means something to me and there is a story behind it - so I wont have any problem with them in the future about how I "regret" them as they mean what they mean to me.

I want another one - but for it to mean what it does, it'd have to be on the underneath of my forearm and i just wont have it done.
And I want a small butterfly on the inside of my wrist, but I wont have that done either....even though I have the design all ready! lol
it is each to their own n all that, but im tattoo'ed and i aint no tramp lol i suppose my scarification makes me a self harmer...i think not... my skin art and other body mods are self expression, similar to photography i suppose, all my work is for my benifit only and im not finished working on my skin canvas dont like, you dont shoot, thats just how it is :)
On some people they work. Here is my evidence


I have to agree with this post :) I personally love women with tattoos, Not just tiny little chinese symbols but proper 3/4 length sleeves and real artworks not something just picked off the wall cos it looks "cute" I think it adds to the attraction, and gives you more of a glimpse into the persons personality and character.

BTW Kat Von D is damn beautiful..If only i lived near Miami :p
On some people they work. Here is my evidence

Sorry but for me that's proof they don't :shake:

I don't mind someone having a tatoo but I find that excessive.
ive just been sat watching kat von d . i love most of her tatts. but strangely , i hate the ones on her fingers.
i have a dragon on each upper arm and love mine.
when i get round to it, ive got one planned for my right forearm.
i dont like the silly little hearts n stuff on models. jordan stylee.
i like something with a little style, kvd is beauuuuutiful.
I'm tattooed and if someone called me a tramp because that is the way i wish to express myself they would get a swift kick up the bum once their head had been removed.
However tacky cheap looking and meaningless flash tattoos do put me off in pictures, i however see no point in over-looking an otherwise fine model because of something that can be covered or masked.
Tattoos are a personal choice. If I was working with a model covered in tats or had tats in places that would spoil a photograph I would hire another model. At the end of the day this sort of thing should be covered in your contract and model description requirements.

Sorry to go off topic but if your talking about something that belongs to somebody its "theirs" not "there", "theres" or "their's" they are not words. See here.
Sorry but for me that's proof they don't :shake:

I don't mind someone having a tatoo but I find that excessive.


absolutely hideous

Nobodys questioning moral standing, the question is when choosing a model, do we want tat free skin or Bruce Lee's toilet wallpaper ?
I wouldn't judge anyone because they have tats, I just wouldn't want them as a model, nor those with half a ton of scrap metal nailed to their face, lip god, what idjut started that......:LOL:....I'm laughing just typing it..
I have a couple of friends, one has a lip ring in the middle of his bottom lip, the other has one at either side of his mouth.....*rolls laughing*, stop...its 1am, I'll wake the street up..

Personally i dont like them on women, i myself am covered with full sleeves and lots of others (and i love them). My missus doesnt have any and i would be devastated if she ever wanted one.

But having said that it wouldnt put me off shooting a model.
really i think at the end of the day its all down to the photographers opinion and the nature of the shoot...i personally like women with art on their bodies and piercings as i do find it attractive :p call me sick and wierd but hey its all down to personal tastes...kind of like prefering blondes to also tattooed and pierced so i can see from both points being judged by the way that i choose to look and also for the beauty that if done correctly that both piercing and tattoos can the end of the day tattoos are like photography...some like it some dont, some like landscape some dont, some like B&W pictures some dont...thats the beauty of the human mind and eye...its all down to personal choice and what we as people find attractive or appealing :)
When I asked this question I was not making any suggestion that tattoos suggest anything at all about character. I was merely interested in whether from a photographic perspective photographers felt that tattoos tend to detract from the image, or reduce the opportunity to achieve desirable photographs.

I realise that there is a market for tattoo images, but I was thinking more of when a model is booked and turns up for one to discover that she (or he for that matter) is somewhat tattooed.
Me to, had them done when I was 17 or 18, I'm now approaching 55 and I have never ever regretted having them, if your going to do that don't have them done in the first place (y)

I had a small one done back in January, only becuase I should have had it done when I had the rst done so it now completes a set (y)

i'm very tattooed but never display - i'm very proud of them and have never regretted having them

if you don't like them you know what you can do
Me to, had them done when I was 17 or 18, I'm now approaching 55 and I have never ever regretted having them, if your going to do that don't have them done in the first place (y)

The problem with that statement is that you never know what's going to happen in the future.

I was brought up in a Navy town and 60% of lads between 16-21 had tattoo's. I'm now a Company Director and feel that I have to wear long sleeved shirts, even at less formal corporate events.

I may not judge somebody because they have tattoo's, but many people will, it's a fact of life.

And yes, I'd be really annoyed if I'd hired a model from photo's in their portfolio and they turned up with tattoo's that I didn't know about. From a models perspective, they reduce your market because you will appeal to narrower spectrum of clients. Admittedly there is a requirement out there for "alternative" models, but it's in vogue today, but maybe not next year.....

On the model side of things, I think it was King Boru that said it should be in your stipulation that the model does not have tattoos, if you don't want any on your'e subject. That way there should be no supprises when they turn up.

In my case I want as many tattooed and pierced people as I can get. As I would like to get heavily involved in this side of things. It's all practice.
Oh and I am tattooed and pierced myself, some visible, some not.
I understand your viewpoint, however I am what I am, I live with the standards I set myself, so I know I am as good as anyone else whether they have tattoo's or not, I agree others will judge but it'll be their loss if they don't choose me (y)

The problem with that statement is that you never know what's going to happen in the future.

I was brought up in a Navy town and 60% of lads between 16-21 had tattoo's. I'm now a Company Director and feel that I have to wear long sleeved shirts, even at less formal corporate events.

I may not judge somebody because they have tattoo's, but many people will, it's a fact of life.

Personally i dont like them on women, i myself am covered with full sleeves and lots of others (and i love them). My missus doesnt have any and i would be devastated if she ever wanted one.

But having said that it wouldnt put me off shooting a model.

Interesting view, almost one rule for me and another for your missus, I am not having a go or anything just find it interesting that it is OK for you but not your wife.

I Have 1 tat and do not regret it, as for models with them, sometimes one just looks like the fashion thing while a sleeve or something similar looks far sexier
It wouldn't put me off shooting a model if she had a tattoo. If it wasn't right for the type of shot it could always be covered. Why waste a perfectly good opportunity to use a model just because she has a bit of ink?