Tawny Frog Mouth Owl

Simon Young
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I was surprised to see this little fella sat in a tree outside my house a few nights ago. Shame I couldn't get higher to take the shot.

Frog Mouth
by simon.young427, on Flickr
wow super
Cracking looking Owl,are these the owls that dont use Talons for catching prey but use their Beaks, i had a DVD somewere and i am sure these tawny frog mouthed were featured,must seek out the dvd
I am not sure to be honest, don't know a great deal about them. Its is called a Tawny Frog Mouthed Owl but apperently it isn't actually an Owl. Here is another curious Aussie bird, no not Nicole Kidman, the "Kookaburra", this one was captive and I could get closer, not the best shot though.

by simon.young427, on Flickr
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