Technical Discussion: Breaking it Down

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What I'd like to do in this thread is for us to freely submit pictures we may find interesting, and others can comment on the technical aspects of the image -- to be focused on mostly lighting issues, but also other issues like composition. After we've analyzed the image, maybe another person can submit another and we can continue the discussion.

Sound good?

Okay, first one I'd like to submit would be the new Battlestar Galactica promo image. I always love looking at television and movie promotional stuff because they're always done so well and there is usually quite a great deal of style and panache behind them.


Let's say you wanted to recreate such an image. What kind of lens was used? What kind of lighting was used? What were the difficulties involved?
Lens: I'd say something like a 70-85mm maybe. Just to compress things slightly and give more drop-off in the DOF.

Lighting: I'd say a big swimming pool softbox directly above with maybe a few front light set on aminimum power just to put light in under chins etc. Mind you, I expect the table reflected a fair bit back up udnerneath faces etc.

Difficulties: Not dribbling at the sight of the lass in the skimpy red dress!! :)
Lens: I'd say something like a 70-85mm maybe. Just to compress things slightly and give more drop-off in the DOF.

Lighting: I'd say a big swimming pool softbox directly above with maybe a few front light set on aminimum power just to put light in under chins etc. Mind you, I expect the table reflected a fair bit back up udnerneath faces etc.

Difficulties: Not dribbling at the sight of the lass in the skimpy red dress!! :)

What's a swimming pool softbox, specialman?

It's nice that they got the light to fall off right at the edge of the far models.
lighting - a couple of softboxs, mabey umbrellas? I rekon the lighting their is from above and they have to make sure that the table is not in view and the shadows are not distracting

lens - somthing not to wide so that nothing is distorted. Possibley even a 4x5 to have total control?

problems - tyring put some blinkers on the guy to the left of the girl! :LOL:
Not sure about the lighting but the Cylon girl in red is also the same woman on the left pointing so i'm guessing some photoshop trickery... probably with the girl in red being superimposed later....although it would probably have been easier to put the other one in later.... oh I don't know.

Unless they used a truly enormous shutter speed and had her run out of shot get changed and run back in again!!;) ohh those tricksey cylons.
I'd run with the idea of a large softbox over the top and to the front.

Not sure about the lighting but the Cylon girl in red is also the same woman on the left pointing so i'm guessing some photoshop trickery...

The girl in the red dress is a "6" and the other is a "D'Anna" (I think....)
