Tell me a good thing & a bad thing


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Ok then tell me one good thing you did that improved you as a photographer and one stupid thing you did as a photographer.

Here are mine

The good thing
Many years ago i decided to only use a 50mm lens for a year, no other lens could be used. Doing this helped me understand composition better, and led to me having a better eye for photographs.

The stupid thing
Many years ago again, i decided to throw away around 2000 frames of film. Looking back now i cant think why the hell i did it but i lost a lot of really great pictures and memories.
The good one
buying my Camera

The Bad one
Thinking i could run before i could walk after buying said Camera

Good thing:
Taking the plunge and buying a DSLR

Bad/stupid thing:
Waiting so long to take the plunge and buy a DSLR
Thing that have contributed to becoming a better photographer and also contributing to my bad habits.

good thing

Buying and using a tripod.

Bad thing

Not using a tripod when i should have been.
Good thing
Joining TP and looking at others exif data.

Bad Thing
i dunno yet im still learning.
Learning to look at photography from a more critical, detached manor and as something truly creative, not just in the same old one dimensional way.

Some stupid mistakes on my part which have led not so much to the loss of jobs, but the cutting off of certain avenues which could supply them.
Good:Listening to the (mostly..) sound advice on here, meeting new togs through various meets.

Bad: Washing my memory card gave me a fright.
GOOD: switching from a compact to a DSLR and learning loads thanks to TP

BAD: Getting shafted on ebay last week for £823 for some nice lenses (deserves a thread of its own, but too bitter at the moment!)
Good - Getting my daughter interested in photography. Lets me spend more time with her and she often 'drags' me out so I get more experience.

Bad - Getting my daughter interested in photography and being humiliated when some of her pictures look better than mine in front of other TP members ! :LOL::D
Good: Getting my first lab job, I spent every spare minute there learning from the tog who ran the studio there.

Bad: There's a few but perhaps the worst was changing the First Dev replenishment cube on the E6 machine at Joe's Basement with Bleach instead of more First Dev. Ruined a M&S autumn fashion shoot and some celeb shots for the TV Times. Yes, I did get the sack :(
Good: Investing in some nice Kit, that one day i may be able to make use of...

Bad: never setting aside some time to get out and about with above mentioned kit.
Good Buying a camera that has manual mode.
Bad Not using said mode enough.

Starting OU course on Monday so second response should change in the near future. Heres hoping. :)
Not quite true to the thread, but yesterday i discovered that I am going to need to have my ankle either replaced or fused - not good at all.
I also got my 70-200 2.8 IS from Scraggs - good !
Good: suggesting a camera for my birthday present (aged 10 or 11 I think)

Bad: being a Luddite about going digital (until seeing the quality on this forum)
Good: Buying a Leica 35mm.

Bad: Fumbling and dropping it off a boat.

Double Bad: Not insuring it.
Good - Sticking it out and finishing university

Bad - Getting a job in the nhs which leaves little time for photography :(
Good ... I look at things totally different since i took this up,i look in so much more detail:)
Bad... trying to find time to enjoy ,always wanting that extra bit of kit that i really don't need :shrug:
Good - Getting some nice kit and reading lots of good books and joining local photography club.

Stupid - Not setting aside at least one time per week to go out with the camera (happens some weeks and then not others :shake:)