Tempt me with images from your d700

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i have to scratch an itch I think. I want opinions on whether a d700 makes more sense over a d7000. I shoot low lit gigs and Motorsport bsb at circuits like brands hatch mostly. I have a 70-200 2.8 and 50 1.8 so fx lens options aren't an issue for me. I realise the af may be superior in the d700 but unsure if overall the iq and ISO performance of newer tech in the d7000 would surpass the older d700.
Paul, I had a hard time believing D700 owners when they said their "old" cameras had better image quality than my "new" D7000. If you're outside then the question may be moot, but if you're inside shooting in low light then for sure the D700 has better image quality. It's also a lot easier to add some noise reduction and not have it become quite as washed out/blurry/plasticky as it would with the D7000. Please don't misconstrue and think that I'm some kind of expert or anything. I just now understand when these folks would say "you'll have to pry my D700 from my cold, dead fingers." :D

ISO 4000

Elementz Dancers - BC Summer Games by Paul, on Flickr

ISO 3200

by Paul, on Flickr