test shot for photo

Carl Davis
Edit My Images
this is the a quick setup shot, the lighting isnt right and I need to have my daughter situp more for it to work. but I thought I would share to get feedback.

comments welcome

I like it, the lighting works for me, as is. Perhaps if we had eye contact with your daughter it might have more impact.
i like the style of the shot (y)

i like the expression in the 2nd shot (y)

and well framed (y)

but for me the catchlights are overpowering the eyes and these shot for me are all about the eyes..

if you could move the softbox back and up i think it would work so much better..

only my opinion feel free to ignore :wave:

thanks for the comments.

Your right Md thats one of the reasons I want to reshoot, I wants softer catchlight across the top and possibly nice reflector catchlight or lower power softbox below. I shot these with her on a bean bag which makes her look like she is being sucked in a little to much so I need my wife to help hold her.

Thanks again.
i dont mean to keep trying to nit pick your shots mate.

imho they are all good shots. its just little things that make me think they could be spot on...;)

keep up the very good work..

I think the final image is going to be truly lovely, judging by the test shots, your daughter is absolutely adorable :)