testing my 50mm F1.4

Of the three, my favourite is the first one : I like the skin tones.

I notice you have a 1000D.

How would you describe the difference between your new lens and the kit lens that came with you camera?
Of the three, my favourite is the first one : I like the skin tones.

I notice you have a 1000D.

How would you describe the difference between your new lens and the kit lens that came with you camera?

Hey there and thanks for the comment :)

I've been using a lot of old lenses on adapters such as the Zuiko 50mm F1.8 or Pentax SMC 28mm F2.8 so I know what a shallow depth of field does to photos however having Ultrasonic focusing is something that feels like a gods gift. It made me faster and more accurate even the models are enjoying the shoots more. Less out of focus photos thrown away and the lens is sharp, best investment I've made so far. Up next I'm aiming to buy a EOS 700D body to go with it, my 1000D is a bit aged now :)

https://www.facebook.com/cezarsphotos - for more photos have a peak on there. I made it a few days ago to celebrate the lens really haha.
Love the Bokeh. I've been using the nifty fifty f/1.8 and I'm now seriously thinking of replacing it with this lens.
Love the Bokeh. I've been using the nifty fifty f/1.8 and I'm now seriously thinking of replacing it with this lens.

I originally went to a shop in hopes of buying the 1.8 but though I'd like to invest in the future and splashed out on the 1.4. It was worth it in my opinion, it feels very sturdy on camera compare to the 1.8 which feels a bit like a plastic lens hood rather than a whole lens!

Thanks for the comments guys, more photos coming up soon :)
Probably goes to prove that the Lens is a very important part when buying equipment. You certainly have made the most of it and produced a great set.
Great set. I have both the nifty fifty 1.8 and a recently acquired second hand 50mm 1.4. They're both great, the nifty fifty especially for the price, but the 1.4 is certainly that bit sharper and has a stronger build.
Is the 1.4 better all round than the nifty?

Yes, quality of the body is much, much better, focusing ring is in the right place and it has all time manual focusing. The optics were meant to be sharper too.

Probably goes to prove that the Lens is a very important part when buying equipment. You certainly have made the most of it and produced a great set.

I think the lens really improved my photos so far. As I said it's not only the sharpness it's the fact I'm much faster, even the models are happier.

Thanks guys
The 50mm f1.4 is the best of the two, but be careful not to bang the front of the lens, the focus mechanism is very delicate, and easily damaged, I suggest you always use the lens hood, which attaches to the body of the lens, rather than the filter thread, thus protecting it.
The 50mm f1.4 is the best of the two, but be careful not to bang the front of the lens, the focus mechanism is very delicate, and easily damaged, I suggest you always use the lens hood, which attaches to the body of the lens, rather than the filter thread, thus protecting it.

I'll keep that in mind, anyway I purchased a cheapo lens hood about a week ago so it's on it's way from Hong-Kong!

Thanks again.
I'm going to go against the grain of this thread

1-3 are nice enough photos, well exposed and reasonably framed, but I think they are just standard bokeh shots. Ok execution, but a little meh tbh.

The last, with the shadows works far better.