Thai boxing help!!!

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Got a story to write

and never shot any boxing, let alone Thai:wacky:

anyone got any tips

Just to clarify I understand what you're getting at, you're going to be writing a review but need to do a few shots also?
basically yes

as I said ive never shot any boxing before

so any tips :rules: would be very welcome.
Nevered covered Thai boxing, but for normal boxing I have shot from the side of the ropes, sometime with flash, sometimes without (depends on organisers) I usually go for a wide-ish lens on one camera and a short tele on the other.
Be prepared to get blood over you though, I have had a few splashes over the years from the odd nose getting clobbered. Wayne
Nevered covered Thai boxing, but for normal boxing I have shot from the side of the ropes, sometime with flash, sometimes without (depends on organisers) I usually go for a wide-ish lens on one camera and a short tele on the other.
Be prepared to get blood over you though, I have had a few splashes over the years from the odd nose getting clobbered. Wayne

That pretty much sums everything up.

Shoot with a fast shutter speed, you may need to up the iso. Practice using manual focus as well, the ropes can fool the AF on your camera.
I've shot boxing as well (and been shot, I do a bit of boxing myself.)

It depends on the organiser. Sometimes you can sort a couple of off camera strobes, which I think is best. Otherwise, it's high ISO, shooting wide open with f/1.8 or faster and going for the fastest shutter speeds you can. Manually fix the exposure at the start, it doesn't tend to change throughout the rounds.

I've normally been lucky enough to get right up to ringside and shoot from between the ropes. Keep one eye open and know when to duck out of the way.

Google for some images for inspiration and see if you can shoot at least one match before the important one.
I'm only aware of one of our customers who's been shooting Thai boxing, and he used a 24mm f/1.4. He got some good shots with it too.