That troublesome redhead is here....

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Greets all.

Finally I get round to registering, I chatted to Psifox at a pet exhibition last October and he recommended this forum. I'm Rache, 40, been taking photos for years but have only had a DSLR for a year (Nikon D3100 - Booooo I hear people say ;) )

I have a standard lens and no accessories, the technical side of photography makes me want to cry and gives me a headache - my snapper friends talk about F-stops and apertures and depths of field and I really do struggle to make sense of it. I seem to learn quicker by hanging out with snappers and asking questions, rather than trying to learn from a book. I try to use Manual as often as I can when photographing but am often let down by the "it looked fine in on the camera preview screen but when blown up it's horrendous" so I'm sad to say I default a lot to AUTO mode (boooo hiss!) White balance and ISO settings send me running for therapy!

My main interest is snapping cars - I'm a total petrolhead. I have a 2002 Elise ( and a 1963 Morris pick-up truck. I used to race karts and I think have inherited my dad's "petrol in the veins" genetic disposition. I adore the lines and curves of cars and I see a vented disc brake, a suspension assembly, or the rear curve of an Elise as pieces of art that scream to be photographed. An ultimate dream would be to travel the world photographing Supercars :D:D

My portfolio is at, here are a few of my bests:







I also have a Facebook page, plz join up

So far I've had a pic used on the cover of an Australian Lotus club magazine and have also got pics on the official Lotus Evora page and Lotus Goodwood FoS page, so I must be doing something right :D

Mainly looking for local people to go snapping with so I can suck knowledge from their heads, but I see by the map there are very few people out Norwich way :(

My day job involves sitting staring at a computer screen all day so I'll hopefully be able to lurk on the forums as often as I can ;)

When I'm not snapping stuff or working my fingers to the bone I also like to dress up in Stormtrooper armour or Ghostbusting gear - Geek and proud! I live life to the full and when I turned 40 I didn't bother with a party or p*ss-up, I went paragliding with an Egyptian vulture - Highly recommended!!!! Movie edited together by me:
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Welcome Rachel - love the pics that you've posted so far.

Also loving the look of that Rockingham Wet Grip day, that looks awesome fun, might have to give that a go myself seeing as it's really local.
Welcome Rachel - love the pics that you've posted so far.

Also loving the look of that Rockingham Wet Grip day, that looks awesome fun, might have to give that a go myself seeing as it's really local.

Highly recommend it - gave me loads of confidence in the car and also amazing how much grip an Elise has. Not to mention epic fun!
Hi Rachel.

Glad to see you here:)
