The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever

Some nice stuff, but whoever called these "The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever" doesn't seem to have heard of Cartier Bresson who managed some pretty decent timing in one or two of his snap-shots.
Some great shots there. And does every mention of timing in photography need a (rather predictable) mention of HCB? ;)
Some quite interesting shots. I think a fair few a more right place rather than perfect timing. Not sure there is much of a difference other than how pedantic you are :D
I have to admit I didn't quite get your meaning there but what's wrong with mentioning Cartier-Bresson anyway? I don't really see what the problem is. :)

I was grumpy yesterday. And i don't much like tuesdays either...;)
I shall avoid any attempt at pleasant silly humour in replying then! :LOL:
