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What the cheapest good manual lens that will work on this camera I want to get it s try
What the cheapest good manual lens that will work on this camera I want to get it s try

In your place I'd start with a Rokkor, Zuiko or FD 50mm f1.8. You can get these for under £20, add a £10 adapter off evil bay and you're away :D You could add a 28mm f2.8 and/or a 135mm f3.5 or maybe a f2.8, the f2.8 may push the budget a bit but the other two can be found for around the £30 each. That'd be a 3 lens set and an adapter for under £100 :D
Wouldn't mind a 28mm 2.8 will look for one those. What fit will it be or can it be different fit
A couple of quick manual grabs...

My gf getting ready to go out, as she walked past I called her name and she turned and I clicked...

This is a 100% crop of this little chap, he was quite fast so again I had to be quick as he just stood up and pretty much dropped straight down again...

These shots wont win prizes but they're moments from me and gf's life and I like them :D and I've never had a camera that could have got either of these shots with AF.
id grab a 35mm f2 @rookies 50mm is too close to your 55mm zeiss mate

Hmm, yes... but I'm a bit tight and 28mm f2.8's are usually cheaper than 35mm's.

I had a Rokkor 35mm f2.8 which was very good so I sold it and got the similar f1.8 which is also good :D
These are Minolta fits arnt they
Wouldn't mind a 28mm 2.8 will look for one those. What fit will it be or can it be different fit

Just about any thing will fit.

I went for Minolta Rokkor, Olympus Zuiko and Canon FD because there's plenty of them about and they're cheap plus you can get third party lenses in those mounts even cheaper. I have a Sigma 50mm f2.8 macro in Minolta fit and I've had a lot of use out of it and I think it's a very good lens. It only cost about £60 and I can use it on either my MFT cameras or my A7 :D
Cheers guys.. Looking at adaptor first is it to E mount or nex
id grab a 35mm f2 @rookies 50mm is too close to your 55mm zeiss mate

Actually after thinking about it... maybe an 85 f1.8 or f2 or a 135mm f2.8 might be a good idea as these would be good for portraits and to learn to MF with as people sat having a portrait taken might be persuaded to stay still.
Cheers guys.. Looking at adaptor first is it to E mount or nex

On evil bay they're often described by camera type so you could search for (for example) Canon FD to Sony A7.

One thing to watch if you are tempted by wider angle lenses is that some adapters seem to be made for APS-C cameras (Nex) and may vignette on an A7. I have a cheap adapter and it vignettes with my 24mm but is ok with 28mm and longer. Best read the small print or ask the dealer if you think you may be tempted to go for a wide manual lens at some point. If not an APS-C adapter will be ok.
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Not for that price rather get my 70-200 first :)
There are 35mm f2 on ebay for under 45 quid an adapter is about 15 quid I have one works good as a play toy
Hmmm food for through.. Just told the other half. She said how many lens you need you told me your changing to the Sony and having 3 lens max Pmsl
Could always wait until birthday or Christmas :D £13-20 for a lens is well within birthday present territory :D

Just hope your Mrs appreciates the lens she gets for her birthday will be used by you on your camera.

Ha ha suppose. That lens is tempting thou.
She said screen protector battery and charger first. Yes miss
What my tactic is .... Is to show the wife a ridiculously expensive lens to start say i must have it etc etc leave it a day or two say u been researching etc then show her the real one u wanted ..... Lmao
Ha ha suppose. That lens is tempting thou.

If you do decide to try manual lenses and if a Minolta fit lens takes your fancy you can have my Minolta to Nex adapter. It's no good for wider than 28mm but ok for that length and longer. It only cost a few quid so if you want it I'll post it within UK for nowt... Don't be too tempted by a freebie adapter though as IMO the cost of these shouldn't be enough to sway your opinion and if you see a nice cheap bargain lens in another fit, like a nice Carl Zeiss or Olympus Zuiko then just go for that :D
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What my tactic is .... Is to show the wife a ridiculously expensive lens to start say i must have it etc etc leave it a day or two say u been researching etc then show her the real one u wanted ..... Lmao
I just been taking a few of one of my dogs with the picture effects + app pretty impressed must admit sooc looks spot on
Rookies I use the fotodiox think the pro versions are about 30 to 50 but you can as the guys say get em for 10 quid easy enough, I didn't know what I was doing but the fotodiox is nicely built and takes the Nikon glass very well, dads for Matabones which I need to test but looks solid enough...

Weathers Kak at the moment all I seem to do is take pictures of my feet in bed and do bracketing of the dogs testicles... Always on his back u see...

Roll on summer
Is that the app that already in the camera
Cos it free lol..

I guess it take the images in Jpeg
I just been taking a few of one of my dogs with the picture effects + app pretty impressed must admit sooc looks spot on

Shows us some pictures :p
I love dogs we got 2 lol one you already seen on here.

Bless Toby he looks lovely.
the other one isn't playing ball lol ill try to get one of him though hes a big brute 9.5 stone lol but soft as a fly lol.............