the apprentice...!

another episode with the useless bunch of *****, no one appears to have any idea.

the lads lost the task due to general incompetence across the board, and the girls werent much better!

what sort of a person calls their child 'rocky', and more to the point whats his younger brother called?
Surprising the boys lost, seeing as Rocky owns 15 sandwich outlets. He was right to go. If he can't handle a task like that in an area he works in, he has no chance of surviving.

I'd have rather seen James go though, miserable git :p
Unfortunately I watched it tonight---------------------------What complete and utter garbage. :thumbsdown:Next time the family want to watch it, its me for the bath.This is almost as bad as Eastenders and Corrie.:puke:
Surprising the boys lost, seeing as Rocky owns 15 sandwich outlets. He was right to go. If he can't handle a task like that in an area he works in, he has no chance of surviving.

I'd have rather seen James go though, miserable git :p

if that guy owns 15 sandwich bars, even if he only clears £10k per location for himself, why was he even on that show? :thinking:
This years contensants certainly don't seem up to previous standards. Wouldn't be surprised if Sir Alan doesn't bother accepting one
if that guy owns 15 sandwich bars, even if he only clears £10k per location for himself, why was he even on that show? :thinking:

That's exactly what I was thinking at the time and could only come up with two possibilities.

a) they're struggling.
b) they're not struggling. He maybe wants to work closely with someone who's very successful, learn from that experience and apply that to other areas. I was a bit disappointed he left actually, I think he could have been pretty good.

This years contensants certainly don't seem up to previous standards. Wouldn't be surprised if Sir Alan doesn't bother accepting one

Bit early to say at this stage but I definitely can't see that Philip lasting. His negotiation powers aren't exactly well developed.

"We can do it for £65"
"Too expensive"
"okay, £15"

Simplified I know but he was saved by the woman on the buyers side, I think she took pity on him.

And check his quote out here :LOL:
after this weeks episode....

that madge character was a waste of time, after 3 weeks of patting people on the back and stroking egos but doing jack **** of any worth, however i appreciated his chilled out approach, good fun!

james- annoys the **** out of me he should go soon enough!
and ben, anyone thats such an ego maniac and wears **** shirts, ties and old man braces should be shot in the face repeatedly, i like the quote about him calling everyone else in his group fat (or clinicly obese in the case of the slightly rounded american but not to any means fat)

i also didnt like that woman on the other team, the one that tried to shoot the pitcher in her team that actually did a good job (dispite having a face like crusty the clown in a car crash)
The best line tonight was definitely from Sugar: "The Empire didn't strike back this week".

I bet he's been itching to use that one since the teams were named. :LOL:
The best line tonight was definitely from Sugar: "The Empire didn't strike back this week".

I bet he's been itching to use that one since the teams were named. :LOL:

Yeah and him saying that guy needed a cushion before sitting on the fence too long started to hurt :LOL::LOL: wrong man went tonight, team leader shoulda gone, I liked the bearded guy "I dont mind looking like a prick in this skirt..." :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Margaret and Nick are legends!! Spookily they actually remind me a bit of my parents....I think that Mona should have gone!! She was mean.
I'm going to be in the audience of the 'You're Fired!' programme next week - how exciting!!!! :D

How did you manage that?

Is it anything like Question Time etc where prospective audience members get questioned as to their views on various things so that the programme will portray the opinions that the producer wants and not that of the general public.
This years contensants certainly don't seem up to previous standards. Wouldn't be surprised if Sir Alan doesn't bother accepting one

You are right - they are rubbish.
if that guy owns 15 sandwich bars, even if he only clears £10k per location for himself, why was he even on that show? :thinking:

No idea Flash, apparently he's on more than Sir Alan was offering anyway! Not bad for a 21 year old :p

Maj was right to go this week, looks like he was one of the main catalysts for making the 'Bingo Buster' or whatever it ended up being named, too complicated.

This years contestants have no idea about negotiation as well, Yasmina has to be the best with her figure of 20,000 plucked out of the air for 6 months exclusivity. Eh?! :shrug:
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Been avoiding this thread as I've been playing catch up with the episodes and it's hard enough avoiding the reviews in the papers as well as the early morning DJ on the radio who loves to talk about it.

Yeah, James annoys the hell out of me too, but I think Maj was the right choice this week, he's done sod all. He kept saying that he'd done what he was told to do, I think Sugar will be looking for a little more than that. As for that monstrosity they had made this week, sheesh. I am staggered that John Lewis ordered 500 of the things! Out of pity maybe? :shrug:
No idea Flash, apparently he's on more than Sir Alan was offering anyway! Not bad for a 21 year old :p

Maj was right to go this week, looks like he was one of the main catalysts for making the 'Bingo Buster' or whatever it ended up being named, too complicated.

This years contestants have no idea about negotiation as well, Yasmina has to be the best with her figure of 20,000 plucked out of the air for 6 months exclusivity. Eh?! :shrug:

Lol, it was obvious that was BS, she should have just said straight up she didn't know and put the ball back in their court.

p.s. flip, i'm getting into this lingo :D
The posters were shocking :LOL: all of them!