The Black Panther Dies.


TPer Emeritus
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Donald Neilson has died after 35 years in prison - probably the most dangerous, resourceful and merciless killer in pursuit of gain this country has seen. As someone who had the misfortune to witness his handiwork at first hand on a couple of occasions, I won't be losing any sleep over his passing.

He never showed the slightest remorse for his victims and I'll definitely be having an extra celebratory tot this Christmas. :beer:
He was a thoroughly callous and evil piece of work.
I think it's worth pointing out that the worst murderers do end up serving true whole life terms. He was one, others that spring to mind are Harry Roberts (murdered 3 police officers), the Iranian embassy surviving terrorist, the Krays, Peter Sutcliffe, Myra Hindley, Ian Brady.
I think it's worth pointing out that the worst murderers do end up serving true whole life terms. He was one, others that spring to mind are Harry Roberts (murdered 3 police officers), the Iranian embassy surviving terrorist, the Krays, Peter Sutcliffe, Myra Hindley, Ian Brady.

Neilson did appeal against the whole life sentence , but quite rightly it was dismissed.
Yes, good news he has gone for good, but I, & I am sure members of the Whittle family think he should faced the death penalty.
Wasn't there a documentary about him that suggested that killing Leslie was a mistake and he hadn't intended to do it? I know nothing about him. He dumped her not far from me in the local park...

There was a film crew there several months ago filming some tv drama etc about it. Wonder if that will be on during chrimbo now he's snuffed it (merciless tv opportunists ;) )

There are an awful lot of people that need to serve a whole life sentence. The whole point of 'life' was that it meant whole life not a few years and get let out. It seems to mean 15 years or so these days which isn't enough.
He tied a wire noose around her neck and left her in a drain, perched on a tiny ledge. Fatigue, shock, dehydration lead to her falling from the ledge.

Erm.. no - that was Neilson's version of events which no-one believed for one second. She was actually kept on a quite wide platform with a safety rail around it - there's no way she could have accidentally fallen, The wire was secured around her neck with a nut and bolt. Where she was found hanging from the platform her toes were just a couple of inches from the bottom of the storm drain below. This guy left nothing to chance - everything would have been precisely measured.

Arrangements had been made for her brother to deliver the ransom money to Bathpool Park under cover of darkness where Neilson was waiting. At this point a panda car on routine patrol drove through the park - just one of those unfortunate and unforseen cock-ups which happen. That was the last that was heard from Neilson on this kidnapping. He undoubtedly went back into the drain and pushed her off the platform in a fit of rage convinced he was being set up - which he wasn't - the intention was simply to hand over the money and get the girl back safely.

Her arms were also pinned behind her back and she was naked. The only person who knows the real truth of what the poor girl suffered in that drain is now dead - and good riddance!
No doubt some moaning liberal will be sticking up for his civil liberties.

Sad thing is that if he did the same crime now he would be out in 15 years! Mind you, I would happily see Ian Huntley, Jon Venables and the like released into the public domain!!!
ukglyn said:
Yes, good news he has gone for good, but I, & I am sure members of the Whittle family think he should faced the death penalty.

Why let him off so easily? I hope the sod suffered every day he was inside!
When you think that the poor girl was taken from her bed in her own home to end up like that in a bloody drain it was a monstrous crime by any standards.
Shame no one decided to do that to him while he slept.... poetic justice. Repeated applications until he was afraid to sleep. These types need to taste their own medicine.
35yrs eh... I'd say he got off lightly . Definitely should've had the death sentence .

And I for one think it should be brought back . Prison nowadays isn't a punishment ,inmates enjoy far too many home comforts .
How's a quick and painless death punishment??

Some prisons are too comfortable but the many are pretty awful places.
How's a quick and painless death punishment??

It not necessarily punishment,
in as much as cutting out a cancerous growth, doesn't punish the disease.
But it removes the problem permanently ;)

Far too many lifers / long termer's get parole, just to re-offend.
srichards said:
How's a quick and painless death punishment??

Some prisons are too comfortable but the many are pretty awful places.

Do the crime do the time ,no sympathy what's so ever ,if prisons were what they should be maybe it would be more of a deterrent to them who commit the crime . But... that's never going to happen .
Do the crime do the time ,no sympathy what's so ever ,if prisons were what they should be maybe it would be more of a deterrent to them who commit the crime . But... that's never going to happen .

I doubt if any prison regime, no matter how austere, would deter the likes of the Black Panther. It would simply not enter into their reasoning. Probably nothing would have deterred him.
Be one or two ways to ensure they would never reoffend, but that is another matter.
mxfun said:
35yrs eh... I'd say he got off lightly . Definitely should've had the death sentence .

And I for one think it should be brought back . Prison nowadays isn't a punishment ,inmates enjoy far too many home comforts .

Prison isn't a punishment?? In 2005 i was locked up for 9 months for dangerous driving, it was my first offence and also my last, i was sent to hmp blakenhurst in birmingham then shipped to hmp leyhill where i was surrounded by rapists and murderers who were being rehabilitated to come back into the communitys. (the barnsley beast and the babes in the woods rapist) there just old men now.

Prison is only a punishment if you have things to lose when you go in there to start with, many people have nothing this side of the door so why do they care. I lost my house, my job, had my life put on hold for doing 128mph down the motorway. I am classed as a criminal as it is a criminal conviction and i had to have a assessment and get my life signed back to me when i joined the marines in 2008.

I am only saying this for the purposes of the b prison isn't a punishment part, the thread is agreed and i could like to have used them for target practice any day of the week.

Sorry to go on and i hope it makes sence....
Prison isn't a punishment?? In 2005 i was locked up for 9 months for dangerous driving, it was my first offence and also my last, i was sent to hmp blakenhurst in birmingham then shipped to hmp leyhill where i was surrounded by rapists and murderers who were being rehabilitated to come back into the communitys. (the barnsley beast and the babes in the woods rapist) there just old men now.

Prison is only a punishment if you have things to lose when you go in there to start with, many people have nothing this side of the door so why do they care. I lost my house, my job, had my life put on hold for doing 128mph down the motorway. I am classed as a criminal as it is a criminal conviction and i had to have a assessment and get my life signed back to me when i joined the marines in 2008.

I am only saying this for the purposes of the b prison isn't a punishment part, the thread is agreed and i could like to have used them for target practice any day of the week.

Sorry to go on and i hope it makes sence....

Brave post Gregory. (y) Yep - first offenders tend to get lumped together with sex offenders and people like that as they're segregated from the hard core cons for fear of reprisals.

It's a well made point though from someone who knows - prison time isn't anywhere near the punishment it used to be. It is for the likes of you and me, purely because of the loss of freedom, despite all the privileges they get these days - but the hard core constant re-offenders just laugh at it.
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Why let him off so easily? I hope the sod suffered every day he was inside!

When you think that the poor girl was taken from her bed in her own home to end up like that in a bloody drain it was a monstrous crime by any standards.

Shame no one decided to do that to him while he slept.... poetic justice. Repeated applications until he was afraid to sleep. These types need to taste their own medicine.
:agree: If that makes me a hard liner ,so be it.
35yrs eh... I'd say he got off lightly . Definitely should've had the death sentence .

And I for one think it should be brought back . Prison nowadays isn't a punishment ,inmates enjoy far too many home comforts .

I agree about the prisons,but to many innocents have been unjustly banged up through poor police and pathologist practise that I would sooner see a guilty person have a cushy (if it is) prison term than a innocent person strung up by the neck and all the horror that it entails......:shrug:
Prison isn't a punishment?? In 2005 i was locked up for 9 months for dangerous driving,

No disrespect meant, but there's a whole world of difference between getting 9 months for dangerous driving and being allowed to remain on this earth after taking the life(s) of one or more other people.....
No disrespect meant, but there's a whole world of difference between getting 9 months for dangerous driving and being allowed to remain on this earth after taking the life(s) of one or more other people.....

Think you've really missed his point. Read the first 4 words of his post.
Why let him off so easily? I hope the sod suffered every day he was inside!


Imo people like neilson , huntley etc shouldnt get protective custody - 35 years of getting a good kicking off the ordinary decent criminals is significantly more of a punishment/deterent than 35 vyears locked up in a special unit with other scumsuckers
No disrespect meant, but there's a whole world of difference between getting 9 months for dangerous driving and being allowed to remain on this earth after taking the life(s) of one or more other people.....

i think you missed the point to my post,

Prison is ONLY a punishment for people who have things to lose !!!! If you have a mortgage, family and a job, you go to prision and lose it all.

If you have nothing and go to prision, you gain it all, playstation or xbox, £12.40 a week canteen money, phone calls, a tv, a shower, food everything you need. that isn't a punishment to people who have nothing.

I think that Donald Neilson should of been shot, and i would have been the first in the que to do it.

on a lighter note have a good christmas guys


Imo people like neilson , huntley etc shouldnt get protective custody - 35 years of getting a good kicking off the ordinary decent criminals is significantly more of a punishment/deterent than 35 vyears locked up in a special unit with other scumsuckers

I completely agree with your sentiment but "decent criminals" is a bit of an oxymoron
I'm against the death penalty for many reasons

when people start demanding its return I always think of Timothy Evans

in America where they have the death penalty people still commit murder so as a deterrent it doesn't work

its only use is for vengeance - an eye for an eye

I agree with Pete - put them in with the general prison population
I completely agree with your sentiment but "decent criminals" is a bit of an oxymoron

I agree but its a comparative term - I certainly wouldnt suggest that armed robbery is okay , but compared to someone who rapes and kills little girls....
I think the death penalty is very dangerous... I remember seeing a program in the eighties called '14 Days In May' about a guy on death row for murder, if memory serves me correctly. His sentence was carried out, only for new evidence to come to light a couple of years later. The lawyer who was making the documentary tracked down the actual killer in the end, but obviously by then it was too late. Two innocent people had died and the killer had been walking free all this time...

Obviously, that isn't going to apply in all cases, but where do you draw the line? The guy who ended up on death row must have been found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt at the time...

Let a murderer rot in prison, by all means, and in my opinion, if they've taken a life, they have no right to anything but an existence... No 'privileges'...
only read up about this guy now and makes me wonder if capital punishment should be reintroduced
Peace and goodwill to all men; even those who harbour abhorrent thoughts of crimes or retribution for such crimes.
only read up about this guy now and makes me wonder if capital punishment should be reintroduced

I was reading conn inguldens ghengis khan series the other day - this shaman guy rapes and kills ghengis's sister - so ghengis takes him right up into the cold snowy mountains then breaks his back and leaves him helpless on the snow to be eaten alive by scavengers.
I was reading conn inguldens ghengis khan series the other day - this shaman guy rapes and kills ghengis's sister - so ghengis takes him right up into the cold snowy mountains then breaks his back and leaves him helpless on the snow to be eaten alive by scavengers.

Maybe some of us should club together and take Ian Huntley and a few others out for a special day trip!!
Anyone in favour of capital punishment needs their heads looking at.
I am absolutely in favour of capital punishment, but lets not get into that debate on this thread.
Anyone in favour of capital punishment needs their heads looking at.

Is that attached or unattached?

Edit: when you say heads in the plural, just how many Zaphod Beeblebrox's do you think there are out there?
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Gregory - excellant post, congratulations on getting your life back on track, and if you're in the forces, thank you.

I too, through work, have unfortunately seen too many violent scenes, and dealt with too many liberal minded people who soon change their mind when they become a victim. People need to think before crying out against tough punishments
Depends on your preference demi, as for grammatical errors I'm typing on the fly using a phone with auto-correct. It's hardly the point. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the fact is that capital punishment can result in innocent people being executed.
I worked in a cat A prison as a tutor some years back and to say prison is only a punishment if you have something to lose is missing the point - some of those blokes were rock bottom but they always had something further to lose. A lot of the time it involved losing the use of a limb (etc) for a short period of time, but in many cases there were mental issues to deal with that were inflicted by others that would break most people. Plus, some received beatings that changed their lives forever.