The Busker

Absolutely love this. I know that's not constructive but it's just massively appeals to what I love in photos.
Great shot. I love this sort of picture. I congratulate you.
More of the same from me. Love the b&w, the textures, and how the framing gives it such a sense of scale. Just a fantastic shot.
Very strong monochrome shot. The brickwork has an excellent abstract quality and the overal composition works for me.
Love it. Needs to be printed and put on the wall.(any chance of having a copy?)
This is a really striking image. I love the diagonal lines and water damage in the brickwork, they really create strong, cohesive compositional elements here which really stand out and catch the eye. Having said that, as much as I like the image as a whole, I feel it's a shame that the busker himself is a little hard to see, as he's somewhat obscured by both the competing backdrop as well as the very crunched tonal range. What with the busy brickwork, it's a little hard to discern his clarinet (or alto sax, or oboe, it's hard to tell), and if his shadow had been a few steps (in terms of levels) lighter than his body, I think he would have worked a little better as the main subject.

But overall this remains a good photo, and I like the mono conversion.
Leigh pretty much covered everything. I like the photo, quite a bit. Well done.
This is a really striking image. I love the diagonal lines and water damage in the brickwork, they really create strong, cohesive compositional elements here which really stand out and catch the eye. Having said that, as much as I like the image as a whole, I feel it's a shame that the busker himself is a little hard to see, as he's somewhat obscured by both the competing backdrop as well as the very crunched tonal range. What with the busy brickwork, it's a little hard to discern his clarinet (or alto sax, or oboe, it's hard to tell), and if his shadow had been a few steps (in terms of levels) lighter than his body, I think he would have worked a little better as the main subject.

But overall this remains a good photo, and I like the mono conversion.

Thanks :)

I know what you mean, I guess I have the luxury of the full res image and I think the smaller image doesn't help the Busker stand out much even at full screen on my laptop. I was trying to get the busker to be more defined as well has keeping the silhuette as his clothes were not very good for the photo..he had a sporty living rough kind of look going on :).

Thanks again for the feedback.
Very nice image!
Nice. Very atmospheric. B&W was the only choice. Well composed and cracking detail in the brickwork.

Vignette appears a tad heavy on my iPad and I'd like to see a bit more detail in the guy...maybe my iPad, though??


Nice. Very atmospheric. B&W was the only choice. Well composed and cracking detail in the brickwork.

Vignette appears a tad heavy on my iPad and I'd like to see a bit more detail in the guy...maybe my iPad, though??



Thanks! I think that is the most common critique is the clarity of the busker. I think I will go back and see what more I can do in PS but I fear the shadow is not helping and may prove problematic.

Also, I don't have more of the Busker but I did take some of the "classic" shots along the Thames here:

Thanks again.