The centre of attraction

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Raynox 250

Ripples Magic plugin


1. Used a Raynox-250 macro clip on (I was doubtful when someone recommended it, but it's very good for £40) on the front of a 45-200 Panasonic lens for my Panasonic G1 4/3 camera.

2. Mixed equal quantity of olive oil and water in a plant spray bottle. Spray onto the silver side of a CD/DVD.

3. Lighting is a single studio flash with softbox positioned at 45 deg above and pointing down.

4. The single oil drop you see is about 3mm across, so the Raynox gets in very close.

5. In Photoshop I boosted colour a bit and tidied up dust on CD. Then selected an area around the drop with the marqee tool, then feathered and inverted it so the whole area outside the drop was selected. Then applied a plugin called 'Ripples Magic' from Redfield. Everything outside the drop gets distorted by the plugin, but not the drop itself - the feathering makes a gradual transition.

centre of attraction by macro meister, on Flickr
That's great. Inspired me to do a project this weekend..