The Creepy Boarding School

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Urbex trip last week in deepest Kent..........nice cold and crisp day....;)

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Will try to get some of the interior up soon
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It does look creepy - very creepy!
i wouldn't want to be around there i have to say.. is it mean or does the building seem to be leaning to the left?
Any info on the site Chap? Fancy a little Urbex, it's been a while..
That would be the huge halo called the sun:)

I think he's referring to the fact that there is a halo around the building from the HDR.

Very gothic look though, certainally makes you not want to go there!
Very spooky! Watch out for those meddling kids! haha
Nice photo! Is that scaffolding on it? Sort of a shame - I can't imagine many scary buildings in books/films having building work being done on it!

Great HDR though, super spooky!
I really love this shot, only thing which has been said is shame about the scaffold, pity you could clone it out.
That indeed looks very creepy. When you consider youth at risk boarding school options for your teenager, you don't just take them away from a stressful environment, you also take them to a better environment. It's a way to find a quieter, healthier place where they can be stabilized emotionally and where they will receive continuous therapy. It's also an environment where they won't need to fear rejection because other students face the same or similar struggles. This isn't the place

hmmm... that wasn't the first thing that came into my mind when i saw the image :cautious:

great shot... perfectly suited to the hdr makeover. i think the halo adds to the shot..almost like a huge softbox behind the building. Just can't decide if the building is straight but the ground slopes or what? bit of an optical dillusion :bonk:
Great shot, treatment as already said works very nicely!
I also cant decide about the lean of the building. I think the ground is sloping down to the right personally!
Super image tho looks great large!
Yes, I like.

Nothing you could do about it but, I'd like it more without the scaffolding.

D in W
Showed the picture to my son explaining it was the boarding school me and his mum were thinking of sending him to if he didn’t start to behave.
See how long that lasts.