The Diary Of Weight Loss

Its been several days since my last update, (see, told you it would be irregular), It's not that there was nothing to say, more of a time issue... then a lazyness issue...

This morning I went for another 1.5 mile run, and ive had a very unpleasent revelation, something thats very hard to admit but unfortunatly the truth......
Im not actually that unfit... its my weight thats causing the problem. Im getting home and my breathing is getting back to normal almost immeadiatly, even when running, my heart rate and breating are steady, its my legs that are the cause of me stopping... Today is the first time my knees have hurt, it is also the first time I have EVER noticed my weight effect my health in any way shape or form.... a very disturbing revelation.

Other than that... the weekend went ok, i had a few slices of bread which I am trying to avoid but I did manage to stay away from all the C&*P, I definatly find it easier to stick to the plan during the week. I get into a routeen you see, and as long as I know that im ok, but the weekends disrupt that, I get up later, maybe I will skip breakfast, Maybe I will have a job on meaning im late to lunch or miss that altogether as well, yes, the weekdays are 100% easier for me.

Last Thursday I played pool for a local team, as I do every week, it wasnt a fun night really, theres a guy who plays whos a LOT larger than me, and the night started off by us talking about our weight issues etc, I even offered to go to classes with him if he thought it would help... but once the rest of the team turned up he ended up making jibes about my weight, which in turn made me do the same back to him.. im actually very ashamed of myself, I know how it feels when people make comments about your size so why did I then do the exact same thing to him as he was doing to me, two wrongs never make a right. All I can say is it was kind of a self defence thing, but it has made me take a step back and look at myself a little harder...

As I mentioned in my first post, this thread is about honesty, even when its brutal and negative, I want to document this year.

Anyway, on that negative note im going to finish that here as I have customers coming in the door.

Chat soon.
Last Thursday I played pool for a local team, as I do every week, it wasnt a fun night really, theres a guy who plays whos a LOT larger than me, and the night started off by us talking about our weight issues etc, I even offered to go to classes with him if he thought it would help... but once the rest of the team turned up he ended up making jibes about my weight, which in turn made me do the same back to him.. im actually very ashamed of myself, I know how it feels when people make comments about your size so why did I then do the exact same thing to him as he was doing to me, two wrongs never make a right. All I can say is it was kind of a self defence thing, but it has made me take a step back and look at myself a little harder...

Chat soon.
See I see that as 'lads banter' ... maybe when everyone arrived he felt a little vulnerable at speaking to you about the weight and needed to ensure if was not continued in the company of the others. I am used to hearing girls talk about weight loss in public etc but never heard two guys chatting about it, hence me thinking along those lines.

In what way has it made you look at yourself harder, would it have been ok if it had been about hairstyle, clothing or something else?
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In what way has it made you look at yourself harder, would it have been ok if it had been about hairstyle, clothing or something else?

Just felt retaliating wasnt the right choice, I didnt like it when it was being said to me so I should have knowen better. Dont get me wrong, it was all totally seen as banter, but one persons banter can effect another if they have a hang up over the topic being 'bantered' over...
feeling shattered (tired) been a very VERY long week. saying that, I am able to fit into shirts I couldnt before, I know I wouldnt have lost LOADS, but a little is fine for now. still doing the running, im looking after the family dog tonight so am going to take him for a morning run as well. :)
Been very very cold lately too, im not sure if its a help or a hinder when running, does it keep me cooler or does it affect my breathing making it harder? yet to decide., now running a mile and a half on every run, and on monday I did it with only one stop, fitness has definatly improved. I will stick to the 1.5 miles for the time being, once I can do it 3 times in a row without stopping at all I will up the distance to 2 miles and so on and so forth. but do feel good about things. I know its still early days but It feels like imi back on track, and encouraging other to do the same locally, I think im even going to have Adam (a close friend) running with me soon.

Writing this 'diary' really helps as well, its encouraging knowing I will be posting the progress.

How is everyone else getting on with their 2012 healthy start???? are you all actually sticking to it?????
Good to know the results are keeping you motivated. I hated running in the cold, my lungs just burned and made breathing really difficult. Just don't push yourself too hard too soon, especially if your friend does go running with you as you may get the urge to compete if he is faster than you or able to run further.
How is everyone else getting on with their 2012 healthy start???? are you all actually sticking to it?????

Mines a continuation from last year, yesterday was weigh in day but I could not go as I had parents evening till 7pm. School put on food for us that was all bread based, rolls, sandwiches and cake ... this weekend is birthday weekend so will be lots of wine being drank, not the best of weekends, but life happens and I intend to drink and enjoy it so will ease off elsewhere.

Changed gym for swimming this week, gym was packed with people who just wanted to sit on equipment BB'ing each other rather than work out, this madr me angry so best I am not there lol.

Have really enjoyed the pool, doing 40 length in an hour, aim to get to 50 - 60before I go to Glasgow in two weeks. Change of exercise will be good for me as well, would be interesting to find the average calorie burn off for my swim.
i'm currently suffering from shin splints because of the running so thats had to stop for now

looks like i'll do more cycling

so far ive lost 8lbs in three weeks
I feel your pain and like you I have struggled all my life with my weight. And have had great success in the past getting fit and losing weight only to put it back on. The only way I managed to loss weight and keep it off was to incorporate my exercise into my day, I used to cycle to work every day, a 40 mile round trip, at first it was very hard and couldn't manage every day but soon become to Love my ride to and from work. I could shop at Next fit into a 34 inch waist (I'm 6' 3") and felt great . A back injury and change of jobs put an end to my commute. I'm now big again and am determined to lose weight. Everybody has an opinion and are full of advice but it all comes from you, and a lot of determination. Good luck I'm sure you can do it again. In fact, you know you can.
Been over a week since I last posted, not due to any other reason than there wasnt a lot to say. Ive been religious on my eating and the running, I am now running a mile and a half every day and most of the time am doing it without stopping, this morning was my fastest time yet, I am going to start looking into running further now its getting easier at the current distance, maybe finish this week off and increase it next week.

I had a little hic up this weekend gone though, all my work collegues went out and it resulted in beers, but what im pleased with is how i got straight back on the diet.

Clothes are fitting better, feeling better, had a few people comment that i look like ive lost a little weight..

All in all. Feeling positive.
Well done :)

think the hic up's are good to have. I think it would be impossible to stay off beer (in my case wine) all the time so have taken that on board in my change of eating etc ... I know now if I have a bottle of wine over weekend (night) that I have to cut back on other things :)
Hey all

Trying to loose weight myself at the moment - But with back problems I cant exercise very much, suffering from chronic lower back pain you see....rubbish!! I have an offer of an operation and have been given 6 mnths to loose 36lbs to get to an ideal weight for surgery and best recovery ......

I have tried everything and with out vigorous exercise its was proving impossible.......However a friend of mine I haven't seen for a few months has lost about 26 lbs and looks very good for it ! I asked How....simple he says

Here look at this CLICK

How am I doing.........

Well I have lost 11 lb since last Sunday - It was very hard though - the body craves for all the surgery rubbish and carbs for a few days - in fact its a shock to the system But by day 5 I was feeling spot on. The point is it works and I haven't felt hungry since....

The first week is a detox week and it by far the hardest.......

Who ever thought Natural Live Yoghurt tasted sweet:shrug: after a week of no sugar it does:LOL:

Have look at it
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Coldest run EVER... gage reading -1 however the windchill was off the scale. on the bright side it made me knowck 25 seconds off my fastest ever time.. guess i REALLY wanted to get out of the cold haha
Coldest run EVER... gage reading -1 however the windchill was off the scale. on the bright side it made me knowck 25 seconds off my fastest ever time.. guess i REALLY wanted to get out of the cold haha

There are some guys here at work that'd rather go pounding the streets at lunchtime as opposed to doing what I do and use the company gym.

Dunno if you know Basildon in Essex at all but all I can assume is the incentive is to keep running so you don't get mugged :LOL:

This makes good reading fella! As well as motivation for yourself I'm sure it's going to help others too :)
cant believe how long its been since my last post, dad is currently here, the diet is.... well.... hummm.... it isnt at the mo, to many beers....
However, he is here for another 5 days, the big challenge is going to be getting back on the diet when he leaves.
ok, so on the 4th of January 2012 I started this thread about losing weight. my starting weight was unknown, I was happy to bury my head in the sand. All went well until my fathers visit from Australia, then when he left, I couldnt find the will power to get back on it. I stopped posting as I was ashamed and relieved when the thread buried itself.

As the next year went by I gained even more weight than I started with. then 02nd of April 2013 I decided that I needed to do something about it. but I didnt want to post. what if I let myself down again, what an embarressment I would be.... again.

I did however weigh myself. I was a whopping 22stone 4lbs. WHAT THE F&%K!

Well, its been 6 months now, I must admit, its not been easy, there has certainly been moments of testing. but, with effort and determination. I have now lost 4 stone.

Im fitting into clothes I never thought I would again, you know the ones I mean, you like them so much you just wont throw them away.
I still have 2 stone to go to my target weight but im looking and feeling good.

And I just wanted to share.

Well done. Losing weight is not the easiest thing in the world but as you have found keeping it off is even harder. What you have to remember us your not on a diet your changing your lifestyle. I lost 5 stones about 3-4 years ago through diet and excercise and even though I still excercise three times a week, probably harder than I did when I first started, I've put over a stone back on. Incidentally I'm writing this while on an excercise bike at the gym.