Beginner The Dogs

A nice portrait of some lovely looking dogs. I think the shot would be better if they were looking at you rather than off to the side. Next time, you could get the person distractihng them to stand behind you to help. The background is a little overpowering also, so maybe a wider aperture to throw that out of focus a little more. Overall though, its well exposed and the light looks good, so you are definitely on the right track (y)
pretty sure thats your shadow to the left of the dogs ooops!!! as above wider aperture to loose the background. hth mike
Pretty much agree with Nick above, although at F8 on 48mm, anything wider on the aperture would possibly have caused even more out of focus softness on the Lab, which is borderline atm. I would also suggest that 1/60 is a bit slow, dogs aren't like humans and will move, so if necessary, up the ISO a little and get your shutter speeds up a little bit just in case as the there is also a hint of motion blur on the Lab too. Shooting from further way will in effect increase the relative depth of field so you could open the aperture wider as an alternative. Also, get down a bit lower, to dogs eye level.

Having said all that, a lovely start and definitely heading in the right direction. A good way to get dogs looking at you is as above, have someone to distract them, but get that someone to be immediately behind you, or even wave a treat just above the lens from behind you.
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Thanks for the comments.

Just had a closer look its not my shadow its the Mrs holding the ball as I was kneeling down. looking back at it I should have used the 50mm 1.8

Its all part of the learning curve.