The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Long range wildlife shots are VERY different on the 1 & 2, mainly due to the sensor size and the focusing systems. I have both, I regularly use both, the T2 image quality is better than the T1, but not on well lit, clear subjects.

How so? Sensor size? they have the same size sensor ... I think you mean the 2 has a higher MP count? This means you can crop a little more, that's about it.
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How so? Sensor size? they have the same size sensor ... I think you mean the 2 has a higher MP count? This means you can crop a little more, that's about it.

Yes sorry, my bad, I meant MP. I can (and often have to) crop wildlife images, and the bigger MP count makes a big difference.
Yes sorry, my bad, I meant MP. I can (and often have to) crop wildlife images, and the bigger MP count makes a big difference.

It is the one thing I miss about the D800, I could crop massively with that, but I think it made me a little lazy. When shooting I would tell myself it'll be grand, can crop in much closer - so I didn't have to physically do so.

The XT-2 should be a bit better overall, I agree. But it's close besides the extra MP. AF would be a lot better for wildlife too, but that doesn't bother me pesonally
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr

Quality, coming from the Sony A7RII down to the Fuji XT-2 I am really impressed with the images it can produce.
At normal viewing I expected the gap between the two to be a lot bigger, it's only when you push really high ISO and pixel peep you notice advantages of full-frame. :D
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr

Pretty beastly image :D Lovely dog too :)
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr

That lens is one of the sharpest tools in the box
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr

Wow, great pop!
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr
Superb shot. Well done I like it!
Did a portrait session this morning and the couple brought along Poppy.

For all the pixel peepers and anyone who has any doubts about the performance of the X-T2 I have to say I was staggered by the quality of the RAW file and in particular how sharp the image was. Shot with 90mm F2 at F2.

poppy-1 by Ryan Jarvis, on Flickr
Poppy really pops!
I might have me a decent trade on my hands, someone is offering me a 35 1.4 + 50-230, for my 27mm and 55-200. Since I only use the 55-200 for birds in the garden and other casual shots, the 50-230 should suffice. The 35 1.4 is my kind of lens though, it's one that I imagine would live on the camera 99% of the time
I might have me a decent trade on my hands, someone is offering me a 35 1.4 + 50-230, for my 27mm and 55-200. Since I only use the 55-200 for birds in the garden and other casual shots, the 50-230 should suffice. The 35 1.4 is my kind of lens though, it's one that I imagine would live on the camera 99% of the time

I'm not sure that's a great trade to be honest, the difference between the 55-200 and 50-230 is greater than the difference between the 27 and 35.
Another for the book...

I'm not sure that's a great trade to be honest, the difference between the 55-200 and 50-230 is greater than the difference between the 27 and 35.

Longer lenses are only ever for casual use for me. I want to have at least one very nice portrait prime, mid range is where I'm at mostly. How I see this is the 27 is being traded for the 50-230, and the 55-200 for the 35 1.4, not other way round. The 27 was always going either way once I got a 35.

The other option is to just trade the 55-200 for the 35, maybe trade the 27 for an 18mm F2 or sell it and put the funds towards a 23 F2, and get an old MF 200mm.
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Right, an Alpine frenzy :D (I've stuck with the processing and crop factor, for some reason it made sense to me last night so I've stuck with it :D)

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

La Vie en Bleu
by JJ, on Flickr

The two very blue Alpine shots are because those were jpegs, I have no recollection as to why I shot some as jpeg only on the day, but I did!
Thank you for that. Brought back some fond memories.
Was going to say looks a nice little thing for playing them ol' vinyls .... had a look at the price of it :eek:
Can't beat good quality audio systems (y)

I don't have anything that flash though, just use my Technics SL1210 Mark 5 G's. I do have different cartridges for different styles of music though ;)
Yeah I've always been a fan of good audio too. Always had a top of the range Hi-Fi through my teens, loved big, bold, bassy speakers. I never got really technical about it, didn't subscribe to What hi-fi or anything like that :D But I do appreciate good sound.
What lens do you use on your fuji? Lovely photo btw.

All shot with the 18-55 - it really is a brilliant lens and the term "kit lens" certainly doesn't do it justice.

And thank you - it's a series i'm really enjoying shooting and the fact that I have decided to do a book means I have lots of reasons to go and shoot more - at least that's how I'm justifying it to wifey!
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@Cagey75 - it's going to be a photo book featuring a combination of b/w fine art architecture and bigger, more cityscape/landscape shots in the desaturated style I've been working on. In my head at the moment it's loosely themed around a walk down the Thames, but it may change and develop as I take more shots for it. It's purely a personal project, but who knows, if there's interest I'll happily sell a few copies!
@Cagey75 - it's going to be a photo book featuring a combination of b/w fine art architecture and bigger, more cityscape/landscape shots in the desaturated style I've been working on. In my head at the moment it's loosely themed around a walk down the Thames, but it may change and develop as I take more shots for it. It's purely a personal project, but who knows, if there's interest I'll happily sell a few copies!

Sounds good, might buy a copy myself if you keep us updated on your progress
Longer lenses are only ever for casual use for me. I want to have at least one very nice portrait prime, mid range is where I'm at mostly. How I see this is the 27 is being traded for the 50-230, and the 55-200 for the 35 1.4, not other way round. The 27 was always going either way once I got a 35.

The other option is to just trade the 55-200 for the 35, maybe trade the 27 for an 18mm F2 or sell it and put the funds towards a 23 F2, and get an old MF 200mm.

Well the 35 is a stonker alright, my favourite prime :) But it doesn't AF as fast as the 27mm, guess it depends how important that is for you. Both the 55-200mm and 50-230mm are really good, but the former is certainly quicker at focusing, although again that might make naff all difference to you!

Horses for courses, all the Fuji lenses are great ;)
Well the 35 is a stonker alright, my favourite prime :) But it doesn't AF as fast as the 27mm, guess it depends how important that is for you. Both the 55-200mm and 50-230mm are really good, but the former is certainly quicker at focusing, although again that might make naff all difference to you!

Horses for courses, all the Fuji lenses are great ;)

Slower AF isn't an issue for me really. I've owned some supposed slow AF lenses in the past, like the Nikon 60mm 2.8D, and the 50mm 1.8D, and managed some good shots of toddlers racing about. You're only going to be doing shoots like that in good light. Mostly I shoot still subjects.

Still pondering, I might just trade for the 35, and try get other swaps for the 27. He is offering some cash along with the 35 for the 55-200, so I think I win on that front.

If I check my Flickr stats, I see my most used focal length is 50mm, [with 85 and 200 tied for 2nd and a lot of this would have been on Full frame so a 60mm and a 135 might be ideal for me] you can run a check on yours using this:

Interesting, of course I don't upload even 1/10th of my images to Flickr, but of the 800 odd I have I see that info, plus my most used ISO is 200-400, most used shutter speed 1/200, most used aperture - 2.8 and the D90 looks to have been my favourite camera :) I know that when I had that and the Tamron 17-50 2.8 was probably my happiest photography era
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New experiment for me this afternoon - photographing canals in the dark. I think next time I might try to get an extra exposure at 30s and wider aperture so I can blend in a sky with point stars rather than lines. The 18-55 looking pretty crisp, as usual...

Oxford Canal by night
by David Hallett, on Flickr

Beautiful lighting, love the reflection. You could do 2 exposures and merge them in post for the stars?
I think it was me read it arseways :LOL: I thought you meant next time you'll shoot at a different exposure so the stars won't move so much :) I think anything beyond 20 secs you'll get movement from them
I think it was me read it arseways :LOL: I thought you meant next time you'll shoot at a different exposure so the stars won't move so much :) I think anything beyond 20 secs you'll get movement from them
Yes, for proper astro work, I agree 20s would be safer. For something like this, I think there's probably a bit more latitude...just not 2 minutes as in this case!
Yes, for proper astro work, I agree 20s would be safer. For something like this, I think there's probably a bit more latitude...just not 2 minutes as in this case!

But you say you don't want any movement?

I need to have another stab at some star shots again, it's certainly an area I need to brush up on. I'd like to do some night portraits maybe, with the stars in the backdrop. I watched a tutorial on this recently that suggested to expose for the sky, have the subject/model stand still in the shot and use rear curtain sync flash to capture them at the end. I know this is off on a tangent, but not by much :D
But you say you don't want any movement?

I need to have another stab at some star shots again, it's certainly an area I need to brush up on. I'd like to do some night portraits maybe, with the stars in the backdrop. I watched a tutorial on this recently that suggested to expose for the sky, have the subject/model stand still in the shot and use rear curtain sync flash to capture them at the end. I know this is off on a tangent, but not by much :D
Or some people paint them in with a torch, although I've never tried this myself.
Yeah I've always been a fan of good audio too. Always had a top of the range Hi-Fi through my teens, loved big, bold, bassy speakers. I never got really technical about it, didn't subscribe to What hi-fi or anything like that :D But I do appreciate good sound.
yes me too still got my Dansette
I'm so tempted to buy the 18-55 but i wanted to shoot with my 35mm prime only or possible add the 18mm prime for a personal project. 35mm makes me think more on what want to shoot.
I'm so tempted to buy the 18-55 but i wanted to shoot with my 35mm prime only or possible add the 18mm prime for a personal project. 35mm makes me think more on what want to shoot.

Get an 18mm F2, never mind the so-so reviews, I've seen people produce great images using it.
I'm thinking about getting the 18mm. Plenty on ebay but the 18-55 is so nice i'm not sure.
For me, there was no need to duplicate the FL from the 18-55mm with a prime.

I'd go with something a little wider. Perhaps a 14mm or even a Samyang 12mm for a budget option.