The Fairy pools, Isle of Skye

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I can't remember the last time I posted a photo on here, Don't do much landscape stuff
Had a week on the Isle of Skye last month, such a stunning place.......This is one from a walk up to the Fairy pools near Glenbrittle
To me you've caught two photographs in one there. As I scrolled down I was only expecting the mountains and fog but then the stream and pool opened up. wonderful image. :)
I'm not sure I do like it. There's a colour cast in the clouds and probably due to the contrast being pushed the water pools are blown.

Compositionally it's hard to do bad here but there seems to be a lot if Soave between the small pools and the mountains. Other images I've seen make a bigger feature of each
Sorry to say so, but I find the overlaid copyright notice so annoyingly distracting that I cannot enjoy the photo much at all:(
Thanks Top Cat
As I said, I don't do much landscape stuff, so I'm no expert at this, lol
I have seen far better images of this area myself, that's probably what made me visit the place
I'm happy enough with my effort
Sorry to say so, but I find the overlaid copyright notice so annoyingly distracting that I cannot enjoy the photo much at all:(

Ok doggel
Sorry about the copyright, is it really that bad?
For me I'd have got down into the water, made more of a feature of the falls, which would also have removed the path to the left which catches my eye.
Purple colour cast is a shame, is that from filters?
Not a bad shot by any means, water flow looks good, but a bit blown in the whites.
This is my shot from the same pool, if you're interested -
Apologies, maybe I was a bit grumpy:grumpy: when I posted that comment:(, but it is a bit too prominent imo. That is such a lovely scene, and you have captured it in such lovely light & colour, and with such nice depth of field- just seems a shame to impose such a large message on it:rolleyes:
For me I'd have got down into the water, made more of a feature of the falls, which would also have removed the path to the left which catches my eye.
Purple colour cast is a shame, is that from filters?
Not a bad shot by any means, water flow looks good, but a bit blown in the whites.
This is my shot from the same pool, if you're interested -
Hi Jake
Thanks for commenting, The colour cast probably is from the filters, they were only cheap ones I bought off Ebay last minute before the trip up to Skye, maybe I should invest some decent ones
That's a lovely shot Jake, If I hadn't been with my girlfriend & the dog I would have got closer to water, lol
Hi Jake
Thanks for commenting, The colour cast probably is from the filters, they were only cheap ones I bought off Ebay last minute before the trip up to Skye, maybe I should invest some decent ones
That's a lovely shot Jake, If I hadn't been with my girlfriend & the dog I would have got closer to water, lol
Yeah I thought that may be the case. If you do decide to carry on landscaping I can highly recommend Lee filters! The Hitechs are supposed to be good also!
Photographers girlfriends should always know photography comes first. Mine waits at the side while I wade through the water :p :LOL:
Apologies, maybe I was a bit grumpy:grumpy: when I posted that comment:(, but it is a bit too prominent imo. That is such a lovely scene, and you have captured it in such lovely light & colour, and with such nice depth of field- just seems a shame to impose such a large message on it:rolleyes:
It's fine doggel, I'm not offended :)
I'd much rather not have a copyright on any of my shots, but if I don't they seem to turn up all over the place :-(
Thanks for the comments
Just a question about the sky, it's more of a purple than a hue I would expect from a sunset/rise. Was this added in post processing using the gradient tool? Other than the sky colour I like the image a lot.
Just a question about the sky, it's more of a purple than a hue I would expect from a sunset/rise. Was this added in post processing using the gradient tool? Other than the sky colour I like the image a lot.
No Richard, I think it's due to the dodgy cheap filters that bought just before my trip to Skye sadly :-(
It's not that noticeable on my monitor.....but everyone else seems to be able to see it, lol
I'd definitely (and politely) suggest a monitor calibration then... it's very purple where I'm sitting! The saturation throughout is pretty heavy on my screen.

Don't get me wrong, it's a better photo than I could take but I feel it's suffered because of the processing rather than having been improved by it.
I'd definitely (and politely) suggest a monitor calibration then... it's very purple where I'm sitting! The saturation throughout is pretty heavy on my screen.

Don't get me wrong, it's a better photo than I could take but I feel it's suffered because of the processing rather than having been improved by it.
Sorry pjm1, I didn't realise the colour was that bad :-(
Is this version any better?
Definitely on my screen, Peter. The sky is still really quite purple, but at least it's not jumping out at me screaming "DAIRY MILK, DAIRY MILK" any more. :p

And the river is now river coloured, rather than Thomson Holiday Brochure "Aqua" ;)

In all seriousness though, I think you've taken a good photo and a lot of the time good photos need a gentle nudge rather than anything more substantial. Yours is good enough to stand on its own, for me!
Definitely on my screen, Peter. The sky is still really quite purple, but at least it's not jumping out at me screaming "DAIRY MILK, DAIRY MILK" any more. :p

And the river is now river coloured, rather than Thomson Holiday Brochure "Aqua" ;)

In all seriousness though, I think you've taken a good photo and a lot of the time good photos need a gentle nudge rather than anything more substantial. Yours is good enough to stand on its own, for me!
Thanks for the input, I think I definitely need to tweak my monitor then as the whole scene just looks very dull on it :-(
If the sky is still purple, then it must be down to the cheap filters I bought off Ebay
Sorry pjm1, I didn't realise the colour was that bad :-(
Is this version any better?

still a bit purple in the sky (is it really that hard to see?!!!) and now it is pretty washed out. Maybe a new monitor is needed, don't know what else to suggest?