The Great Meteorological Thread

The novelty of snow wears off as soon as one notices the blue cast, especially once one has reached the age when one pays one's own energy bills! Had the external temperature up to 22C earlier - but that was in her car and it pumps out enough heat to warm the whole South West region!
The novelty of snow wears off as soon as one notices the blue cast, especially once one has reached the age when one pays one's own energy bills! Had the external temperature up to 22C earlier - but that was in her car and it pumps out enough heat to warm the whole South West region!

Hi Nod! Hope you are continuing to keep well (and hello to anyone reading this).
It does look like we'll be keeping this mild and wet regime going for the next couple of weeks.
The good news is that it should at least mean we won't need to have the heating on as much as we could have at this time of the year, nor will we need to concern ourselves with frost and ice just yet (apart from the odd cold incursion over North Scotland).
The bad news is that there'll be a lot of rain and wind. I can see us experiencing the first major widespread gale event of the season as we go into the last week of October (Halloween night is looking very blustery in nature going by the medium range charts but thats me getting ahead of myself).
Autumn is certainly going to make itself at home, with trees being left threadbare before the month is out.
Yay! Begging with menaces night is going to be persisting down! Well, here's hoping!!! As seems to be usual these days, the leaves turning will coincide with the rain and wind knocking them down before they get a chance to give us a good show.

As for the heating, ours has been turned on for a couple of weeks now but the thermostat's still down so it hasn't been on apart from a couple of mornings when I've been awake and up at 4AM and needed a little warmth! I could (I suppose) put the fan heater on in the conservatory but I reckon that would cost more than the CH for an hour or 2, besides, it meant my wife could get up to warmth!

My only health problem now is mental health - waiting for the brown envelope from the DVLA is driving me nuts. I just hope it's sorted before the GPO go on strike...
Yay! Begging with menaces night is going to be persisting down! Well, here's hoping!!! .

Seconded (y)

Thanks for the up-date Ian,
but not really what I wanted to hear, working landfill for the rest of the
month, can't fly the birds in those sorts of conditions,
so it makes my job harder :(

They only bloody thing that fly's in that weather is the poxy gulls :(
Seconded (y)

Thanks for the up-date Ian,
but not really what I wanted to hear, working landfill for the rest of the
month, can't fly the birds in those sorts of conditions,
so it makes my job harder :(

They only bloody thing that fly's in that weather is the poxy gulls :(

:D Hi Chris. We're certainly not short of those birds around here.

Oh, one last thing before I hit the sack, I am issuing a warning of widespread fog to affect Southern and Central England as well as parts of Wales in the early hours tonight. It could become quite thick and dense in places so it'll make for a murky and misty start to the day for some of us, something to bear in mind when it comes to the morning rush hour.

Far too many "land gulls" here too Ian,
500-ish, crammed into what is effectively quite a small area of "operations"
Its the damned black headed ones that are the worse,
very little fear response....

Back to the plot.
Quite a thick mist in the Gerrads Cross (Bucks) area this morning,
but that soon gave way to very mild temps, and the odd very light shower.
I have 3 day off and the forecast is........................................................

rain rain and more rain :bang:
Mornin' all from a rather cloudy and blustery Folkestone, however this brisk and mild southerly wind is having the effect of drying things up.

The model outputs are having the effect of making me nervous as they are showing signs of a "major wind event" affecting the bulk of the UK this time next week (next Monday or Tuesday at time of typing this). This is where a deepening low pressure system may slice through the middle part of the country as it comes steaming in from the Atlantic.
Perhaps a repeat of that infamous "bawbag" storm that affected Scotland a couple of years ago?
It is a long way off in forecasting terms (a week ahead) and I'm hoping things does get downgraded as we get nearer to the time.
The trouble is that the real deep cold is building up within the Arctic circuit but all the time we are still holding onto this very mild and moist air, something has to give away and I think that's when things are going to get rather wild in a week's time.

But for now, if I were you, I'd check to see if your buildings insurance are up to date.
I hope you're right about the rain letting up as today goes on - I have a golf lesson this afternoon and it's out on the course rather than on the range and in the coaching room. It'll only be an hour though and I do have a decent waterproof. Not got that many balls left before I settle on a cheaper make/model - maybe today will see a couple (more!) go over the hedge... (The ones in the bawbag are disconnected so I'd better keep them well contained in me trewsers to prevent them getting blown awa')
I hope you're right about the rain letting up as today goes on - I have a golf lesson this afternoon and it's out on the course rather than on the range and in the coaching room. It'll only be an hour though and I do have a decent waterproof. Not got that many balls left before I settle on a cheaper make/model - maybe today will see a couple (more!) go over the hedge... (The ones in the bawbag are disconnected so I'd better keep them well contained in me trewsers to prevent them getting blown awa')

Hi Nod! (And everyone else reading this bit). Indeed, going by your location in your avatar, the showery rain should clear away from your area at about now, but at the same time it is going to turn rather wet and showery over the bulk of England today. At the moment it is dry here at Kent but am expecting it to become wet later on today.
Had a fresh look at the medium range output regarding next weeks "storm" potential and they haven't really backed away from the idea - if anything, they have firmed up on it. It is still a long way off in forecasting terms and I'm hoping there'll be downgrades in time but it is something to keep an eye on.
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It is brightening up a bit. Earlier, as soon as I got too warm with the waterproof on and took it off, it started drizzling and as soon as I had got it on, the sun came out. Just to top it off, I've dropped my least disreputable Tilley hat somewhere in town and retracing my steps and enquiring at shops I'd visited failed to find it. I still have a disreputable one, complete with TP patch covering the tear in the crown!
It is brightening up a bit. Earlier, as soon as I got too warm with the waterproof on and took it off, it started drizzling and as soon as I had got it on, the sun came out. Just to top it off, I've dropped my least disreputable Tilley hat somewhere in town and retracing my steps and enquiring at shops I'd visited failed to find it. I still have a disreputable one, complete with TP patch covering the tear in the crown!

:shake: At you having lost your favourite hate but at least you have a back up one.

Anyway, just had a look at the latest model updates and thankfully the plotted "stormy" weather for Monday has been downgraded, it's now looking more like a typical blustery ol' day so I think we can stand down from red alert for now.
Well after a largely wet, but mild day, (mid teens) quitting about home time, as usual,
it is absolutely throwing it down out there, right now!

Thunder and lightning almost simultaneously.
I guess its good for the gardens :D
Well after a largely wet, but mild day, (mid teens) quitting about home time, as usual,
it is absolutely throwing it down out there, right now!

Thunder and lightning almost simultaneously.
I guess its good for the gardens :D

Hi Chris and long no hear! But indeed there is a line of thunderstorms/heavy rain running slowly northeast-wards over Hampshire heading towards Surrey but appears to be running out of steam in doing so.
Not a lot to report here at this end of Kent weather wise as it continues in it's usual boring cloudy fashion. :D It is a bit blustery, though, like it has been all day today which effectively kept it quite dry despite the spitty rain.
But to be far, we did have a corker of a thunderstorm a couple of weeks ago, it was brief but very sharp while it rattled through.
Hi Ian,
Long time, as you say. I trust you are well?
It lasted less than half an hour TBH, but it was quite lively, while it was happening.

Its all quiet on the western front, now though, as they say :D
Hi Ian,
Long time, as you say. I trust you are well?
It lasted less than half an hour TBH, but it was quite lively, while it was happening.

Its all quiet on the western front, now though, as they say :D

I'm very good, ta, as I plod along taking each day as they come along and hope it's being the same at your end.
Things are going to settle down across the UK tomorrow with more in the way of sunny breaks, that will make it feel very pleasantly mild for this time of year as well as providing a bit of a break from this spell of autumnal weather.
At least before the next low pressure system come tumbling in from the Atlantic on Friday in time for . . . now there's a surprise . . . the weekend.

Good thanks Ian (y)And 'Bout bloody time,
this poor little lanner of mine is going stir-crazy,
with all this wet!

I wasn't quite quick enough getting back to him,
but he took his "own action" :D

(Crap phone camera)


Good thanks Ian (y)And 'Bout bloody time,
this poor little lanner of mine is going stir-crazy,
with all this wet!

I wasn't quite quick enough getting back to him,
but he took his "own action" :D

(Crap phone camera)

That is one down trodden looking bird. A bit like my ex, really. :D
Poor little Lanner. :(

Nod's law dictated that while we started in overcast but no rain, by the time we had walked to the 1st tee it had started to persist down! A further implementation of the same law meant that as soon as I had donned the waterproof, the persistence stopped. Never mind, 'twas a good lesson (golfwise) and I managed a couple of net pars (and although I did a Hitler, it was only one I lost!!!)
Mornin' all from a bright and blustery Folkestone, especially now that the showery stuff has moved on.

Seems that the gales forecasted for Monday are now back on the agenda again.
Although the model outputs will apply further fine tuning to it all, it does seem nailed on for it to turn very windy with severe gales likely for coastal areas come Monday. With that to mind, it is best to follow the official sources when we get nearer to the time.
Conservatory door's been open most of the morning and it's still 27C in here. There was some cloud coming over from the West but that seems to have been dry. Cat's enjoying the sunshine!

As an aside, a few of my wife's students work at the Met office and one in particular is very defensive on their accuracy (or lack thereof!), quoting an accuracy percentage somewhere in the 60s. I pointed out that that was still a 30+% inaccuracy record and even a stopped clock was right twice a day! She's still talking to me though. :)
Mornin' all from a bright and blustery Folkestone, especially now that the showery stuff has moved on.

Seems that the gales forecasted for Monday are now back on the agenda again.
Although the model outputs will apply further fine tuning to it all, it does seem nailed on for it to turn very windy with severe gales likely for coastal areas come Monday. With that to mind, it is best to follow the official sources when we get nearer to the time.

hmm best get the felt onto the new shed this week then. last nights "breeze" took the tarp and 8x4 sheet of ply holding it down across the garden last night :|

also RIP to 2 of my fence panels.
It was chilly here today I had jeans on the first time since probably June this year - I'll be getting my boots out soon :D
It was chilly here today I had jeans on the first time since probably June this year - I'll be getting my boots out soon :D

Holy crap :eek:

It didn't fall below 30oC did it :runaway: :p

Double figures just about, but very wet and very windy :(
Expecting sub zero temperatures accompanied by freezing rain/sleet and storm force winds next Friday afternoon. Yup, more spoiling a good walk!

Enquiries at the shops I may have dropped the hat in proved fruitless so had to buy a new one. This one is insured for 2 years against loss - 1/2 price replacement! Also guaranteed for LIFE against wearing out and they actually do honour that guarantee (and send the worn out one back to you for disreputable use!)
Local paper is saying worst storm in decades could hit derbyshire on monday
Ever since Michael Fish's classic gaffe I think all* the weather forecasters have swung the other way now, to be safe. Slightest hint of a gust and its hurricane warnings all round.
Of course now Ive said that, my roof will probably get blown off Monday.

* excluding TP forecasters of course.
Hi all, I can now say with a good degree of confidence that Southern England and the South East are set to experience stormy winds between 6 am to 12 pm Monday morning as a small but very active "secondary" low pressure interacts with a strengthening upper air jet stream thus causing the low pressure system to deepen rapidly as it moves eastwards over Wales and then the South of England.
With winds getting up to 80 mph at it's peak at around 9 am over the South Coast and the South East, that will cause broken branches and some structural damage, not to mention disruption to the rush hour traffic.
I don't think it'll be as bad as that October '87 Great Gale as that was a devastating 1 in every 200 years event but nonetheless it is going to get very lively and noisy come Monday morning.
The whole thing should quickly clear away by the afternoon.
Nice one Ian thank you (y)
I guess my hibernation preparations,
proceed with the clocks going back in that case :D
I hope you don't get "hit" too hard Kevin (y)

Many thanks, its our birds (the hens) outside, I'm worried about, not the cottage as that's been standing since 1600's lol built to last and ironically the name given FOEL ISAF Bare ridge, so very much open to Mother Nature too, three feet thick walls. storms of 87 right above had no effect, however my fingers are still crossed and hope all is ok for what lies ahead of us, one thing for sure I will not be on the rooftop of Wales Sunday/Monday this week with my camera :D
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Mornin' all. Am awake watching this weather system work it's way across Southern England. It is being a bit wild and noisy around here and that's not the local chavs for a change.
Hope everyone are keeping safe.
Nothing more than a breeze and clear blue skies here, now.
But as per the other thread, around about 7am in Ware (Herts)
It was a bit bloody rough, with fallen trees along the A602