The innocence of a child

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A quick shot of my cousins baby girl taken a few weeks ago , Taken with
Nikon D700 + Nikon 24-70 + Nikon SB900 with Gary Fong lightsphere

Lovely photo, but I find the portion of yellow wall behind her a little distracting.
Love those catch lights- what beautiful eyes and I too am distracted by the yellow wall-Its seem to be reflected on the side of her head too shame it spoils an otherwise cracking image (y)

Ive bought the Sony 24-70mm f2.8- yet to try it out

Les :D
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amazing how that yellow sorted of ruined an otherwise fantastic shot. Learning so much from the forum
Nice Shot, James.

I've taken many a baby/child portrait, and IMHO the secret of a good one is capturing a moment. A laugh, smile or even tears!

My issue with this portrait is not the composition, or the lack of catch light in the eyes, (both of which are forgivable) but the fact that the image doesn't really capture a moment. The image doesn't tell me anything about their personality.

The only way you will do this is to take more pictures. Take your ISO as high as you reasonably can, set your aperture to around f8 and choose as short an exposure you can. Follow the child around the house, taking lots (and lots) of images, and after about 500 frames, you will get a 'moment'.

A nice, well executed shot though. I am sure the parents were very happy with it.
