The man behind the camera...


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Hi All hope all the waist lines are bulging after christmas festivities;)

I tried something today that i have been meaning to do for a while. Its not an original concept but i like the idea so i tried it for myself.

Please let me know what you think and which edit you prefer.

1. Colour

2.Black and White

3.Duo tone.
another vote for the colour well done imo:clap:

Awsome! like that! (y)

Def in agreement with those who vote for the colour version!
One more for the colour, nice idea as well (y)
Like all three, but maybe the B&W including the red colour of the canon strap. That might work?
thanks all, the colour one stood out for me too.
pixman, i tried your idea when going through different edits and it just detracted too much from the rest of an very empty image as it is.
Pffft it's a canon, therefore, instant fail.

Put a D3 in that chaps hand and you are on to a winner! :D

Ideas don't always work in reality, unfortunately that's the case for most of mine!
great shot, perfect lighting nd another vote for the colour version. If your having another go it would be nice to see a bit more of the strap, without it looking like a canon advert (but maybe that would be cool as well since the lighting gives it a high end feel)
I'll be honest :D Im at work so i cant see #1 and #3 but two in B&w from behind is awesome loads of character :D
Pffft it's a canon, therefore, instant fail.

Put a D3 in that chaps hand and you are on to a winner!

Now as a contented Canon owner I did not even notice Gary :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Nice pic, did Tiger Woods have a similar shot taken?

Another vote for the colour shot!Excellent lighting and just enough detail in the shadows to make it interesting.(y)
thsks all, much appreciated.
I really like that:clap:, as someone who hates being the subject of a photograph should the need ever arise say for a profile pic for a website or something. I will be ripping the idea off!

Colour gets my vote
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Yep - the colour shot.
Well I'm going to be different and say B&W.
I really like that:clap:, as someone who hates being the subject of a photograph should the need ever arise say for a profile pic for a website or something. I will be ripping the idea off!

Colour gets my vote

your welcome to try it! it wasnt an original idea by my self but a few ideas have now spwned from it. just need to get a note book and write what is in my head before i lose the idea.