The missing Lyn(x)


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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Another nice selection, but some others on your flickr are far too cute for the the forum :D I think they like you (y)
Loving numbers 1 and 4 but really good set can't really pick fault with any of them
Brilliant set - I really like number 4 :)
Thanks for dropping by and your kind comments guys (y)

Another nice selection, but some others on your flickr are far too cute for the the forum :D
LOL & thanks :)
I think they like you (y)
I'm sure that it's nothing to do with the half of muntjac
that I sneak there :D
Seemed to have missed these, busy weekend is my excuse :p

See you've been back terrorizing the poor things again, no wonder they look scared, poor babies :(

Nicely caught, love the 4th one (y)

But that really is a poor excuse for a gob shot :shake:
See you've been back terrorizing the poor things again, no wonder they look scared, poor babies :(
Well what can I say? they will have to get used to it :D
Nicely caught, love the 4th one (y)
But that really is a poor excuse for a gob shot :shake:
Thanks, Ingrid (y) and they are only young, so not fully trained in the art of gob shot posing, but they will get there :D

Loving these. Where were they taken if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks for dropping by (y)
They were taken at Whipsnade (ZSL) Near Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
Lovely set of shots :) I've just got back from there today got soaked and sad to say no Lynx cubs in sight for me :crying:
Thanks Trish, I've not been back long either, I got bloody soaked too!
Loads of Lynx Kitt shots in the bag though ;) (Sorry :D)
OMG Chris....1 and 4...Cute overload!