The new "Critique" prefix in the photo forums

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Kim Jong Bod
Edit My Images
Just a quick note.....There are now two thread prefixes in the photo forums. Here is a little bulletpoint guide to how they / the forums are going to work.
This is far from finished, so please bear with us....

Threads with the "Critique" prefix :
For thread starters
If you want critique on your images, use this tag.
Post no more than 6 photos. Select your best. Less than 6 is even better.
Try and explain some thoughts behind the photos (this is not compulsory).
Be prepared to take criticism. If you throw a hissy fit at any polite and constructive criticism offered then you will be shot......revived, and shot again.


If you see a thread with this tag, please give some thought to your reply.
"Nice shot", "Cracking stuff" and "4 and 5 are my faves", while thoroughly encouraging for the photographer....are merely expressions. Proper thoughts are encouraged with this tag.
At the very least, just say *why* you like the photo, regardless of how 'simple' you think your opinion is.......or you will be shot...or forced to watch DNA test result exclusives from The Jeremy Kyle show, repeatedly.
If you are offering critique, be polite AND constructive. Re-read your post. If it's neither of these, don't post it.
If you're struggling to be polite, don't post.
If you can't be constructive, don't post.
If you can't think of anything positive. See a therapist.

For threads without the "Critique" prefix :
For thread starters
If you don't want *any* critique of your photos, then do not use the critique prefix.
If you just want to share a load of your images from an event, do not use the critique prefix.
If you just want "Nice shot" style comments, do not use the critique prefix.
If you post without the critique prefix, you may add more than the 6 image limit to subsequent posts.
If your photo is an out of focus shot of your cat asleep on the couch, or your puppy licking its own privates, or some random funny photo you found on the internet, then please use the Photos For Pleasure forum.

Either say something nice and constructive, or click "back".
You may give critique, but it MUST be constructive and helpful.
Don't complain if more than x photos have been posted, just click "back".

A final do and don't list
Don't be rude.
Don't complain if someone hasn't followed the above rules. Remind them politely of course, and/or report the thread for the mods to beat the offender repeatedly with a large ornamental clock, but don't speak down to them as though they should know better. We're here to help each other.....let's try and keep that our number one priority when posting.....

Thanks :)

PS. Any comments, please direct them to the appropriate thread in Forum Discussion
replying to remove this from unanswered posts list :)
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