The Not So Mighty Ark

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On the day the Invincible was towed off to be made into bean cans I thought I'd post a few pictures of her replacement in the graveyard in Portsmouth, HMS Ark Royal.

Taken the week before her official de-commissioning, stripped of all her weapons and most everything else as well.



Sign on bridge that says it all really.


The hangar that will never see a Harrier or Merlin again




The final bell
What was the reason for de-commissioning? was it suits in offices?

It does seem silly, like building planes that will never fly only to be cut up for scrap....

Seems like you had a great oportunity to take some pictures, like the engine report board, very fitting.
Seems like you had a great oportunity to take some pictures, like the engine report board, very fitting.

It was a great photo opportunity, but the combination of lack of kit and a wife who thinks that 1 second is more than enough time to take a photo did limit me a bit. :bang:
Actually she was more interested in seeing where her youngest daughter works and lives than my need to photograph everything in sight. :D

Anyway another few pics.

The massive sleeping space for ratings, the bunks are stacked 3 high


Nobody can say that our ships don't have the latest kit, late 70's that is :p
And if you look closely you can see the Invincible in the background before she got towed away to be scrapped.


The view from the pointy end
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Typical matelot bunk. Loads of pink, fluffy duvets and a Carebear; and that's just the Stokers!!!! :LOL:
so sad to see this great ship go, ive been watching the series filmed on board her before it was announced she was being decommissioned, riveting program thats turned out to be her last mission..
the control panel in the penultimate picture looks like something off star trek :p very 70's!
As an ex Royal Navy Photographer, these images bring back a few memories.
evveryting our british engineers build is scrapped,harrier ,vulcin,tsr2 ,concorde with the help of the french and now our aircraft carriers,what next.As a engineer it makes me so sad a angry
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evveryting our british engineers build is scrapped,harrier ,vulcin,tsr2 ,concorde with the help of the french and now our aircraft carriers,what next.As a engineer it makes me so sad a angry

Is there much British left for them to scrap?