The Osprey and the Pike

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You can guess who won this one :)


Cheers for looking (y)
Probably beats my Pike record if I'm honest.

Another lovely shot Neil. Must pop along to LOTL soon but I've just not had the time.
Prob best waiting until the eggs hatch mate, not much happens at the moment.
Great capture,i bet the pike did not know it had a predator.
Fantastic shot, i always wondered what happened to pike after dads army lol
Prob best waiting until the eggs hatch mate, not much happens at the moment.

I see on the webcam that the first egg is hatching today (edit hatched tonight). As it happens I've a day off work tomorrow and the weather forecast isn't bad so I'm planning to nip up.
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That is a stunning shot! How long did you have to wait to get that?!
Great shot.. but it would have to be a hell of a lot bigger to take my PB pike lol
What a stunning shot! I hope that the Osprey doesn't take the Pike back to the nest live and leave it with the chicks though.
What a stunning shot! I hope that the Osprey doesn't take the Pike back to the nest live and leave it with the chicks though.
The male usually takes the fish to its favourite perching place, removes and eats the head which is very nutritious, then takes the body to the nest for the female and chicks. It would be interesting though to see a live pike defending itself in a nest.
Anyone or anything prepared to eat their way through a pike is to be admired and congratulated!
