The Pantheon Stitched (alternates added) :-)

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When I was on holiday in Rome a few weeks ago, I was taking pics in the Pantheon, and for anyone who has been there will know how busy it can be. :bang: :LOL:

Anyway, I was playing about doing long exposures to try and make people disappear, but thought I would just quickly try to take some pics with the intention of trying to stitch them together. I just set the exposure to manual, and tried to overlap by a 3rd to a half.

So here it is, it's not perfect, but for 15 images, taken with a compact camera, I think Photoshop (I can't take credit for the stitching :nono: :LOL:) has done a pretty amazing job at stitching them together. :) To or three of them only make up a tiny part of the final image.


Most pics, like this, don't show the height too well. I'm going to try at some point to stretch the dome so as to make it look better.

It is my favourite building in the World, and I would love to get in there with a tripod when it is empty.
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When I saw 'Stitched' I thought, 'Oh no, not another long skinny shot'

But I find that incredible, thanks for posting....(y)
Here's an alternative version using a different way of blending them together in Photoshop.

I think this version gives a bit more idea of the height of the dome. :)


Not sure if it would work better with a lot of the Oculus (opening in the dome) cropped out. :shrug:
I prefer the first one. I get what you are saying about it not showing the height of the ceiling, but the second is just too distorted in my view. While my accurate, it is less pleasing as an image - I guess it depends on what you are trying to achieve with the shot. The third is better than the second, as it de-emphasises the distortion while retaining the impression of height.

Still and all, an excellent effort and a great result whichever one you use. I'm just envious of those of you in Europe who get to visit these amazing places. Our Indigenous history has left different markers (in terms of rock art and so on - but from where I am you have to travel thousands of kilometres to some of the great art sites) and the 200 odd years since colonisation hasn't produced a lot of Parthenons.