The Rake Hill Climb

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A few pics from today's annual hill climb in Ramsbottom, Bury. About 150 people entered here, I'd have loved to try myself, but it wasn't happening this year. Very wet, cold, windy conditions, so hats off to these chaps for a lot of valiant efforts.

I was playing about a lot between manual settings and sports settings, mainly my panning technique and trying to get more than one shot off with autofocus.

Quite hard work are moving subjects! Especially operating a camera under a brolly, with wet gloves after being soaked from riding my bike there too.




Why does it always rain when the National Champs are being held on The Rake

Of the three number 2 is my favorite, although if you had got lower to get a better view of the riders expression in No. 3 that might have improved the composition
One of the other difficulties was simply the crowd - everyone wanted a piece of the action, so not always great viewing angles, in a way it's sort of good it was wet - it would have been seriously busy otherwise. I didn't get to the steepest section as it was so packed out with spectators.
The places where the spectators are is the place to be Tony.
That's where the atmosphere is that will come across in the pictures. :)

I have just been given this job for sunday.. Never done this one before.. or even know where I am going yet ..
Easy enough to find, BL0 9AE - this is the bottom of it on carr street - if you find this, you'll get the picture as you follow the road up the hill! Road will be shut, so you'll have to park a little walk away, should be plenty of spots..I'll look forward to seeing a few of your pics!
ha.. are you doing it.. ride or pics this yr?
Unfortunately not riding again, just did one last sunday, and doing cragg vale week after (20th) but I have other commitments so 3 in a row wasn't happening, they extended the deadline for entry on the rake as they wanted more competitors, less than half of that of last year are in this time. Won't be able to take pics either, hence looking forward to yours!
They tend to be manic events, especially on the narrow lanes. You can get some great facial expressions and atmosphere though. I did the Urban Hill Climb last year
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As they set off at 1 min intervals theres not much point being at the start line... will find somewhere at top of hill

Looking on youtube from last year.. yeagh manic.. thin road with people along side and everyoen wanting to take a pic from dslt ro camera phone ... gonna be hard work...

For paper.. need expressions and a good view of road and the crowd.. so no point being in the crowd..

Gonna gte there early.. rec the route and pick a spot.. ist not a long routes is it.. just one hill ..or ?
From the CTT website:

Start at lamp post No 3 outside the public library in Carr Street, Ramsbottom. Proceed via Carr Street, Tanners Street, Rawson’s Rake and The Rake to finish at the lamp post opposite Exeter Cottage, Chapel Lane, Holcombe Brook approximately 120 yards before the junction with Helmshore Road. The course is some 947 yards long with an average gradient of 1 in 8.8.

Record Holder: Jeff Wright

Course Record: 0:2:14
cheers guys.. will google away sunday morning... first job of day so plenty of time... 14 hr day sat so need the late start :)
25 mins was all I had then had to leave :( (thats the trouble with doing it for local paper.. had to get to next job... Not so many people about either.. so crowds sparse..

sorting other pics waiting to be bought so will sort some for on here tomorrow..