Critique The Scent

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We had a brief window in storm Dennis late yesterday afternoon so I grabbed the gear and set off in the hope of a Roe maybe a hare, Just nice to be out really, second weekend of storms has made me more than a little nuts. The day job means weekends are my only chance to make images at this time of year,

The wind was still extreme , so basically I sought out spots where a thick hedge would give shelter for Roe to lie up. Every spot was blank. One such haunt means I tend to walk out and then back along the same big hedge . On the return I nearly took a short cut,that would have left me out in the open, I work the field edges and dark places while stalking roe so I opted for the long way around and quietly lmao squelshed on.tight to the hedge

Good move that !!:D I was suddenly aware of the buck below, quartering the field and heading in my general direction,. He was really focused, head up, look how flared the nostrils are...they are in every frame If you look close you'll see blood in the velvet, I ducked melted into the hedge using a ditch to slightly lower POV ,while still standing . It would have been futile going lower due to veggies and got lucky

I think what's happened is he's just had a spat with another buck which has crossed my path behind my back, unseen. I've then done a U turn and bumped into this guy hell bent on chasing this other buck off. Pure theory . It's interesting becuase it's WAAAAYYYY too early for them to rut . I've never come across a buck as pumped as this other than at rut time( may/ june) before ,I'd love to have seen just that bit more to actually know a bit more behind this story. But hey I had a chance and saw sommit new, which is always special, all down to pure luck so no complaints. :cool:

This is interesting .... just after this I ignored my gut instincts something was telling me to go in a particular direction to a specific field I mused the deer might be lower it was too exposed chose a different route, ok I saw some munty and charlie fox which is lovely but nothing panned out. I eventually get to that field, no light, and see 6 roe...DOH

560mm as framed ie no crop 1/3200 f 6.3 ISO 3200. HH standing . SS deliberatly high, the wind essentially was making handholding in any form of steady fashion rediculously. hard The buck never heard the camera but picked up my scent at yards away. Shame just as I was flipping the camera to portrait

For anyone that saw "low" it's that similar little niche shooting across a valley a bit wider, just off the brow of a hill.

That said nowt was comtemplated here. I'm simply just trying to point the bloody lens in the right place........................ and the wind is saying NO!!!!!:LOL:

_S2I9129 The Scent smj by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr


Good story and capture Stu!
Good story and capture Stu!
Many thanks Rich, it's left me scratching my head abit this encounter ................mind that's how it should be , the learning never stops;)
Nice one, Stuart. I like the mid-stride and relaxing pose.
Thanks Stu...just looking through and posting some old files as I don't get out with the camera anymore.
Nice one, Stuart. I like the mid-stride and relaxing pose.

Des you best call me stu everyone does ...well apart from when I'm about to get clattered :LOL:

Des, If he looks relaxed I've not done the scene justice............. the story hasn't been told... b*gger !! That might sound strange but it's simply true

But maybe not all is lost .........ahh the joys of 14FPS :cool:

Thanks buddy,I find it a struggle picking a maybe "the" frame to best convey a situation.

many thanks Des I'll look again at this little lot
Thanks Stu...just looking through and posting some old files as I don't get out with the camera anymore.

That's a crying shame you can't get out anymore Andy ......... you have a real talent mate , Still great to see a few frames, though, from you They'll inspire others like you have done me.

take care bro
Love the story and the way you achieved the image Stu, and a lovely image to boot.
Hey Stu , I already left you some words on flikr , but I don`t think he looks relaxed , perhaps what dragonfly was implying is that the Roe has no idea you were there , that`s quite an achievement with anything truly wild . To me he has a very determined look to him .
Very nice image and accompanying story Stu - I particularly like the leg positioning and image separation from the background. Good to see you managed to get out between the "named storms", matey :)
- I see you shot at 14fps Stu; does that shutter noise not frighten the wildlife? I'm a newcomer to the 1DXii as you know, but I have tended to use the "High Speed Silent" mode (which isn't silent, but a little quieter, and 5 fps - I think?). Your thoughts please my friend :)

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Hey Stu , I already left you some words on flikr , but I don`t think he looks relaxed , perhaps what dragonfly was implying is that the Roe has no idea you were there , that`s quite an achievement with anything truly wild . To me he has a very determined look to him .

Mark, are you good ??

Des, might confirm , you may well be right.. The comment put thoughts in my mind which is really all one can ask from any comment and which I'm always grateful for.: We don't see things through the same eyes buddy . I'll have a look on flicky bless ya mate :cool:

Ya can't beat a damn good wind to be a sneaky sod with deer :) !!
Very nice image and accompanying story Stu - I particularly like the leg positioning and image separation from the background. Good to see you managed to get out between the "named storms", matey :)
- I see you shot at 14fps Stu; does that shutter noise not frighten the wildlife? I'm a newcomer to the 1DXii as you know, but I have tended to use the "High Speed Silent" mode (which isn't silent, but a little quieter, and 5 fps - I think?). Your thoughts please my friend :)


Weather has been shocking huh I just feel for the good folks with water in their homes UGG Cheers for the words on me efforts Russ. Me ickle local pond is lake placid

OK lets talk Shutter racket yes it does have the potential to scare wildlife. In this case with the level of wind noise fella never heard me at all. He eventually smelt me when he was yards away with the wind behind me.

Russ the 1 series shutter noise is a big deal to me I quote it as the one thing I never saw coming. Russ I knew I could spend time with these animals before I had a camera I simply didn't think of how the shutter noise would impinge . With time and the learning process I now think of it as a double edged sword. At first a complete 'mare

Bud I tend to shoot wild things with big fluffy ears.It's my thang not an ego trip done for enjoyment a blast .

But they are wild and wild as hell in most cases.Roe are probably too highly strung to ever be found in a deer park. Their senses are tuned to detect us as predators . Senses, that work on a level we can only dream of. Ears and nose are the biggest thing their eyes seem brill if you are half a mile away. But right under their nose being small and still and with camo no white blobs they seem to struggle. So yes they hear the shutter and yes if used without care they are gone.

I've tried high speed silent,it sort of bugs the hell out of me I worked all those hours for this camera and I can't use one of it's flagship features. So I tend to try and work with the noise of 14FPS and some times use it as a tool to draw an animal closer

Mate I don't think I will ever be able to spend two hours with roe with this level of camera noise,but the time is slowly extending ,a given being me making no mistakes what so ever one slip is gone. But largely what I'm doing if the siituation arises is introducing them to the noise with great I repeat GREAT care .

Russ i'm adapting what I can do with a hare to roe I suppose I start shooting way back ,

Say I'm in a situation where a hare is in the open no cover, I start making images waay to far away as I stalk it. I can't hide myself bar shape camo etc So the hare sees me it knows i'm there. If I crawl up to it and suddenly fire off 14 FPS she'll be gone. . But if she hears a few frames then it all slows down little happens she chills i get a bit closer a few more frames she needs more time wait she chills repeat repeat . With care with one breaks her feeling of fright. As you have seen the hare then often will be so damn curious she comes to me. and of course the shutter noise is now no longer a concern

Roe are similar Russ wild fallow too.but they are harder to fool than a hare.

I am less fearful of shutter noise with birds i'd always shoot BIF at max frame rate, I'm not really a machine gunner ,in fact I feel one of my failing is I don't shoot quite enough frames when something lovely is happening Owls hear the shutter from miles away but other birds can be little bothered

Russ long post....... the noise the camera makes is huge ( I stress that ) too me,I love me ickle fluffy or feathered mates like you do,I don't want to be a bull in a china shop scaring everything away!! For them and for me. LMAO, I make some great butt shots bro but I'd really rather be staring into some big brown eyes!!

The 14 fps or what ever it is at full tilt( with a given ISO) seems to be part of what I bought into I want to use that feature, so I guess one slowly learns how to work with that noise. with a given species

Very simply Russ this noise can drive our subjects away no questions asked. But with great care it can do the exact opposite bring them to us ,even silly skittish ones like Roe. Mate use the tools use them as best they were designed with the usual care/ love/respect you always give to your subject. Adapt the racket to them but do use it. . I know roe can hear high speed silent at 60plus yards on a still day. which is a long way!!

But yeah, bloody loud init :LOL:

sorry for wafflin mate it's a big thing when one is concerned to use a very expensive tool to it's full capacity/.strengths . This really messed with me Russ. I guess I'm trying to lessen your concerns and share a bit more that still surprises me.

take care kiddo
perhaps what dragonfly was implying is that the Roe has no idea you were there ,
That was what I meant, Stu. To be fair, some animals are more expressive than others. Deer is not one of them. So one would have to rely on specific actions i.e. running, fighting etc.
Weather has been shocking huh I just feel for the good folks with water in their homes UGG Cheers for the words on me efforts Russ. Me ickle local pond is lake placid

OK lets talk Shutter racket yes it does have the potential to scare wildlife. In this case with the level of wind noise fella never heard me at all. He eventually smelt me when he was yards away with the wind behind me.

Russ the 1 series shutter noise is a big deal to me I quote it as the one thing I never saw coming. Russ I knew I could spend time with these animals before I had a camera I simply didn't think of how the shutter noise would impinge . With time and the learning process I now think of it as a double edged sword. At first a complete 'mare

Bud I tend to shoot wild things with big fluffy ears.It's my thang not an ego trip done for enjoyment a blast .

But they are wild and wild as hell in most cases.Roe are probably too highly strung to ever be found in a deer park. Their senses are tuned to detect us as predators . Senses, that work on a level we can only dream of. Ears and nose are the biggest thing their eyes seem brill if you are half a mile away. But right under their nose being small and still and with camo no white blobs they seem to struggle. So yes they hear the shutter and yes if used without care they are gone.

I've tried high speed silent,it sort of bugs the hell out of me I worked all those hours for this camera and I can't use one of it's flagship features. So I tend to try and work with the noise of 14FPS and some times use it as a tool to draw an animal closer

Mate I don't think I will ever be able to spend two hours with roe with this level of camera noise,but the time is slowly extending ,a given being me making no mistakes what so ever one slip is gone. But largely what I'm doing if the siituation arises is introducing them to the noise with great I repeat GREAT care .

Russ i'm adapting what I can do with a hare to roe I suppose I start shooting way back ,

Say I'm in a situation where a hare is in the open no cover, I start making images waay to far away as I stalk it. I can't hide myself bar shape camo etc So the hare sees me it knows i'm there. If I crawl up to it and suddenly fire off 14 FPS she'll be gone. . But if she hears a few frames then it all slows down little happens she chills i get a bit closer a few more frames she needs more time wait she chills repeat repeat . With care with one breaks her feeling of fright. As you have seen the hare then often will be so damn curious she comes to me. and of course the shutter noise is now no longer a concern

Roe are similar Russ wild fallow too.but they are harder to fool than a hare.

I am less fearful of shutter noise with birds i'd always shoot BIF at max frame rate, I'm not really a machine gunner ,in fact I feel one of my failing is I don't shoot quite enough frames when something lovely is happening Owls hear the shutter from miles away but other birds can be little bothered

Russ long post....... the noise the camera makes is huge ( I stress that ) too me,I love me ickle fluffy or feathered mates like you do,I don't want to be a bull in a china shop scaring everything away!! For them and for me. LMAO, I make some great butt shots bro but I'd really rather be staring into some big brown eyes!!

The 14 fps or what ever it is at full tilt( with a given ISO) seems to be part of what I bought into I want to use that feature, so I guess one slowly learns how to work with that noise. with a given species

Very simply Russ this noise can drive our subjects away no questions asked. But with great care it can do the exact opposite bring them to us ,even silly skittish ones like Roe. Mate use the tools use them as best they were designed with the usual care/ love/respect you always give to your subject. Adapt the racket to them but do use it. . I know roe can hear high speed silent at 60plus yards on a still day. which is a long way!!

But yeah, bloody loud init :LOL:

sorry for wafflin mate it's a big thing when one is concerned to use a very expensive tool to it's full capacity/.strengths . This really messed with me Russ. I guess I'm trying to lessen your concerns and share a bit more that still surprises me.

take care kiddo
- Lots of useful detailed thoughts there matey - much appreciated (y)(y)
- I think I'm learning a lot about this camera/lens combo in recent weeks, even just at the local wildlife park (which also has Kestrel and Buzzard flying around for the leftover food from the Polar Bears). So I'm tending to use "Silent High" mode for the carnivores and primates, and 14fps for the occasional BIF. Can't wait for the weather to improve so I can take these old bones further afield for some real BIF. :)

Cheers Stu

That was what I meant, Stu. To be fair, some animals are more expressive than others. Deer is not one of them. So one would have to rely on specific actions i.e. running, fighting etc.

Ha, I grateful for the post , the miss read is me Des , apologies mate : no harm done made me go back and look harder ( not finished yet) always a good thing :cool: Deer eating sometimes have fun faces but yeah point taken not terribly expressive at all. That's why that nose is even very small in this image, is of huge significance to me. That might not translate to me viewer Des that's an important lesson to learn:)
- Lots of useful detailed thoughts there matey - much appreciated (y)(y)
- I think I'm learning a lot about this camera/lens combo in recent weeks, even just at the local wildlife park (which also has Kestrel and Buzzard flying around for the leftover food from the Polar Bears). So I'm tending to use "Silent High" mode for the carnivores and primates, and 14fps for the occasional BIF. Can't wait for the weather to improve so I can take these old bones further afield for some real BIF. :)

Cheers Stu


So long sorry bro ........
I think all we can do is learn from the subject 's reactions Russ, my subjects are going to be amongst the most sensitive to this noise. How they react isn't always what one might expect ,but there is a good degree of care going on which would be second nature to you anyway

Step back further waste some frames use the 14FPS on the primates see if/how they react. . The noise being transmitted to your ears and head via vibration though facial contact doesn't always transmit to the subject adversely.

I've got webbed feet and starting to mend ( finally) from a virus
sod the weather:LOL:

i'm getting out somewhere this weekend if it kills me:D

welcome Russ sorry so long but hey ho. The noise was something of despair to me for a while ,I didn't know one could work with it or around it.


Nice catch Stu ,he does look beefed up for the upcoming rut and i hope he hasn't damaged that velvet as that could impede the growth of his antler . I need to get out and find how my ones are doing just getting fed up wearing wellies everywhere i go at the moment.
Thanks John yeah my god this rain........... the thought of hare stalking with a snorkel seems a step too far even for me,good to see you back bro I haven't as yet found my mate "the dude" from last year.

I'm completely perplexed by this buck John, I so wish I knew the whole story !!