the welder

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First upload for several months, just found live extremely busy of late, but time these next few months for some uploads here.

This one, well the image speaks for itself really, the welder

Shooting Info - 5D Mk11 50mm 1.2 L F5.6 1/640 @ ISO 2500

Thanks as always for looking


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Nicely shot, great lighting - conveys an air of industry and menace (maybe that's just me :))
That just oozes quality

That was my EXACT thoughts the moment I clapped my eyes on the photo.

That photo is spot on perfect in just about every aspect, and I can see it being used as a stock image for any good magazine involving machinary or industry.

Superb work!
Rucel and for anyone else that's interested;

Canon 5D Mk11 - 50mm 1.2L - F5.6 1/640 - more interesting -ISO 2500.

I really like this, the lighting is spot on, the subject is excellent, looks very industrious

Lee, it is a recent shot, very recent, may have seen it on another website that begins with "E" may be, thanks all the same for you time

Yep ISO 2500 and sharp as a pin too, mind you the 50 mm 1.2L will near enough shoot in the dark.

Super shot. How did you do it without getting arc-eye?
Fantastic shot Les. Colours, exposure and framing all excellent imo (y)
Orangio, pleased you opened it, titles are not always what they appear eh, thanks for the comment
Only one word, STUNNING !!, I have tried to photograph my son before who works on steam trains/carriages etc welding and burning out tubes,very very difficuly to execute
Pleased you like it Graydon, Whipspeed and Nigel.

Nigel this was one of several I took, the first couple were tricky but we got there, I also have some of one of the guys gas welding, I will upload one of those at a later date

Not at all Gary, but I was extremely careful how I approached the sequence of shots I took, anyway it would have been like looking through a 10 stopper

I love this, excellent image and has real 'commercial' appeal
It's rare that you come across a photograph that you can't find fault with.

Congratuations, it's one of those times (y)
Shooting Info - 5D Mk11 50mm 1.2 L F5.6 1/640 @ ISO 2500

dont think i will ever reach these parameters and get sucha good shot..just had a look again and see you have some excellent gear there
cheers again