The "what are you looking at" photos from yesterday

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and I took a wrong turn, ended up on a strange road and came across a bison out and took his photo...and he was not impressed with me at all. :)

Do you really? I finally tried bison for the first time this summer and I did not enjoy it at all. Must be an acquired taste thing!
Nice shot...and I enjoy bison. Much lower in cholesterol; much better for you.
The first one looks as if you focused on the grass instead of the animals but a lovely composition with them all looking at you/camera like that. This is one of those times when manual focus can come in very useful.

Thank you! I have to admit I've only owned my xsi (I think 450d? in uk) for a month or so, and I'm still trying to find my way around it, but thanks for the advice, I will give manual a go and have some good laughs along the way :)
:) Just in case I was not clear - it is the manual option on the lens (instead of autofocus which found the grass) not on the camera itself that is useful when there is something in front of your subject

Ah! Yes...found that as well. (Told you I was new to this) one day, I might actually know what I'm doing. Thanks for your help :)