The "What is it?" thread - Part II

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Note to guessers

Methinks Tigger.ufo has been a tad crafty here and has tried to make us think the knurled wheel is on the top of a camera when it's actually on the front.

Try rotating the pic 70 degrees anti-clockwise.

Merely the angle I had to take it at to get it to stand out from the body.

Not intended to deceive.

.......but you wouldn't want it to be TOO easy ,would you?
My guess: shutter speed control wheel on a Yashica MAT LM?

Close, but it is not a shutter speed control and it is not on a Yashica Mat LM. (y)

......other than that, great guess! (y)

Sorry, can't work smilies on the phone, will edit them in when I get home!
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Dag nabbit Ozei, you beat me by half an hour! 100% sure you are correct:clap:

Jim, having hunted for it again (and finding a Yashica .pdf manual) I don't think I'm correct - i.e. right camera, wrong wheel.

The shutter & aperture control wheels look the same ( but the red X in Tigger's pic is the clincher.

The X is one of the sync selector markings (the other is an M) - see page 13 of the manual (downloadable from here According to the manual, the X & M markings are next to the aperture control wheel, not the shutter control wheel. I said shutter but you said aperture - only one of them is correct - Tigger will know which.
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Oh no, I thought Ozei got it. Oh dear, I'll have to find something........................Don't hold your breath:)
Right, here it is. I think someone will either get it quite quickly or it may prove elusive. That covers both end of the trail.
It is not part of a Turbo Encabulator.

by Farmejim, on Flickr
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Ah, ok - like this one:

Btw, I was stumped by the 1st crop because part of the aperture wheel looks like beige-coloured plastic. The 2nd crop shows the whole wheel is metal and the beige part is a reflection. After that the three black stripes on the surround gave it away as a Yashica (post 24874).

Yep thats the one! (y)

Sorry about the crop but I had to do it that tight so it wasn't too easy, and it was very small!

Here are my 3

...and the one at an angle...

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Great to see three of them together. I bet they talk to each other in the middle of the night!

There are a lot of "others" for them to talk to! :D

Think yourself lucky I didn't put a pic of my Microcord on! :naughty:

CCTV camera with infra-red
Chuffing nutz. I had the Yashica-Mat. No, not the guess, I had the actual camera once upon a time.

Is it the underside of a gas ring burner wotsit from the top of a gas cooker/stove?
Chuffing nutz. I had the Yashica-Mat. No, not the guess, I had the actual camera once upon a time.

Is it the underside of a gas ring burner wotsit from the top of a gas cooker/stove?

It is a wotsit John but not on a cooker/stove/camping or camp-fire.
:bang: and I used to run around with one some +30 years ago! :bang:

Excellent idea! (y)

In my desperate hunt I've seen thousands of camera photos
and visited countless sites... this one is a keeper:

The new guess?
It's clearly the head of a kitchen washing up shower head... thing. :ty:
Underneath of a tap (where the water comes out of) can't think of the right word! :bonk:
Head of a tap?
Underneath of a tap (where the water comes out of) can't think of the right word! :bonk:

Oh dear, you're both right, I think Pete meant what you said Heather, so I'd better give it to him. Correct me if I'm wrong Pete:)
Like an idiot I forgot to take a shot of the normal view so I'll go and sort one out.
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