The "What is it?" thread - Part III

part of an airplane
Over it comes...

Wind generator turbine blade?
Until you stand next to an old (or brand new!) blade, you don't get any real idea as to how fir cone huge they are! There's a wind farm on the way up to Tintagel where they have a stack of them (and the nacelles), next time I'm passing, I'll see if I can grab a shot. (They're not too keen on people snapping them since it shows that they're not as long lived and green as they're alleged to be...)
It's all in focus - just full of camera shake!!! :)whistling:) That's why I thought I should post a better shot of the not a hose connector!
The plastic is correct, the rest isn't!
None of the above.
Noes again.

On a proper computer screen (this one's a 15"), it looks about 2 and a bit x life size... Not sure on a phone or tablet.
Noo cloo for the noo week!

Not used for photography but does live in one of my camera bags...
No. But possibly in the same bit of the kit bag...
No - a bit cooler than Mike's guess...
A LensPen DigiKlear it is! Over to you, Mike.