The "What is it?" thread - Part III

Not played on this thread, so didn't want to crash in, especially when it wasn't my turn.
If everyone is happy, I will post this to get the thread rolling again. Taken with my phone.

A shower head
Nope - if it's still running when I get home from the camera club later this evening, I will post a picture taken from the other side.
Dalek milking machine?
A rubber cap for hairdressers to do hi lites
massage thingy
Lollypop cake mould?
Mould for making suckers was close, but they are specifically for pop cakes, so I have to give it to Nod.

No light and nothing prepared so you'll probably have to be patient!
Let there be light!!!


(Not much though, hence the shallow DoF and camera shake.)
Could be worse, I could have posted some thingy floss...
At least it was unused
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A keep for a battery flap!
Caravan window catch looking with window open