These bloody official photographers who moderate forums......

Matt Sayle

2017MSA Young Photographer of the Year(Motorsport)
Matt Sayle
Edit My Images
think they can just stand infront of you :p


(bloke in blue is Gary Parravani A.K.A badgerbaiter)
...clearly shows his lack of panning technique, or he'd be in perfect focus, same as the beetle ;)
On a motorsport forum/gallery that I frequent, they have a rougues gallery of press togs that get in the way of the 'enthusiasts'.
Thats why you need a slingshot or a BB gun Matt :p
1/125th Matt? Gary was only one tenth into his shot at this point :D
and none of you said hello! Shameful! :)

(i spent most of that VW race chatting, so you did will to get a pic of me actually doing some work)

Well it wasnt until just before the start of the first F3 race i knew it was you. YOu walked past me and Goldeeno and he goes 'who is that with the TPF strap?' By that time you had gone through the gate and I never saw you again :(
nice, i saw Mike at various places today actually. Pitlane walk about and outside of old hall for the 2nd F3 race. Dont remember seeing Gary though...

Lol, say hello mate! I didnt go on the pitwalk. Unless you mean you saw me while you were on it? As I was opposite the pits at that time.(y)
Have you ever thought about a job that needs less hours? Perhaps junior hospital doctor?

So, Gary? How does one obtain said Arab Strap for camera?