They Walk......:Self Portrait (gulp!)

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Driven by my love of horror movies and the obsurd popularity of zombies at the minute, I thought i'd have a go! I did consider entering this for Junes POTY, but I know i'd end up forgetting about it.

I did actually suffer for this, as I covered my face in 2 layers of liquid latex and pinched and tore it to get the desired effect. Lit by one continuous light and softbox slightly left and above camera, black backdrop. Shot at 1/20th, f8 with an XR Rikenon 50mm f2 lens.

Obviously a boatload of pp'ing, aided by a set of ps decay brushes by ro-stock on DeviantArt! Sweet Dreams!!!!!!

They Walk by dobinio, on Flickr
You look very pretty :)
Great effect that latex so worth the pain I think, Nice one.