Think this needs a caption or 2


Edit My Images
Spotted 2 Photographers or .............................

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'The crack of dawn'
'Is that a Nick-on?'
OMG !!!!

How much to take it down?

My Caption...

"Is that a ring flash?"
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"Did they say macro shots of Ants or Pants :thinking:"


" I knew I should have brought my 10-20.........."

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"Did they say macro shots of Ants or Pants :thinking:"


" I knew I should have brought my 10-20.........."


You are in so much trouble when Tezz sees this, think we both better leave the country quick :exit:
I think the OP life span has just shortened .. rather considerably :bat::bat::bat:
I didn't think Porn was allowed on TalkPhotography!!!
That reminds me, must find an ATM machine.

This photography lark ain't all its cracked up to be.
When I stop laughing I must find a safe place to hide, Brian do you think we will be safe at that next meet :eek::LOL:
Great captions folks keep em coming
Must say the look on Martin's face makes me think he is enjoying the view(y)
When I stop laughing I must find a safe place to hide, Brian do you think we will be safe at that next meet :eek::LOL:
Great captions folks keep em coming
Must say the look on Martin's face makes me think he is enjoying the view(y)

Ingrid, probably just as well, you're not coming to Barnes!
Whipsnade, Lions, Tigers, LEMURS !!!!!!! :eek:

Note....It was nothing to do with me, it was all Gremlins idea/fault etc :help:

You forgot the cheetahs or should that be cheaters looking at that tiny comment , yeah ok I'll take all the blame :p as ever
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No it wasn't a wide angled lens I was using :whistle:

gets coat and legs it :exit:

Glad to see that its not only my meets that the members make arses outta themselves, on (y)
Cracking good shot Ingrid :D
(you were lucky that it didn't end up as "bum" shot though :D)

(ok ok I'll quit :LOL: )