Thought I'd have a go at this street candids lark

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As it says in the title, I thought I'd 'be brave' and try some of this street photography in York on Saturday (the London meet was too far for me to go this weekend).
Never done much street photog before and its a bit scary pointing your camera at strangers :eek:
Anyway, when I got them on the compy I thought most looked better in B&W and I quite liked this high contrast look - don't know what others think ???

Well, here's a few pics...

Thoughtfull looking dude


Guy (one of my favourite shots)

Phone girl (I know its on an angle, but I'm quite happy with it)


Another thoughtfull dude

Blurred chicks (technically not good cos OOF, but I quite liked it...dunno why :D )

Phone girl2

Also a few colour shots ...

Same shot as the last one, but not cropped and in colour, dunno if this is better :shrug:


The look

Not done this stuff before so any suggestions appreciated :)

Thanks for looking,
Nice work. Your mono technique is good though slightly black I like it :)

Street is tricky. These are a good start.
I like them too...especially the black & whites.
(those are some trousers on the left in the first shot!!!) ;)
nice set of shots, I prefer the phonegirl 2 shot in mono...I am scared to do street photography..... :scaredycat:
You did well there Rich :clap: I quite like doing street photography, and am getting the nerve to talk to people too now :LOL:
Caption for number #5; "There's a guy taking photos of me. Can I nick him?"
Rick - a great set - did you approach any of your subjects either after or before taking these shots?

I think would be a little nervous of hostile reactions but nonetheless it a subject that I'd love to try my hand at. Obviously some of the subjects were very aware they were being snapped! Very nice set.
Nice one of the two coppers, but a little too contrasty overall, I think - how are you doing the mono conversion?
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Mini - talking to people !! :eek: thats the next step :)

Arkady - re the contrasty B&W conversion - I cheated and used an action I downloaded from somewhere. It creates a channel mixer adjustment layer as far as I can see (I'm a CS2 numpty :help: ). I can probably send you it if you want to have a play with it and make it less contrasty, then of course you could send the improved version back to me ;) :D

good stuff Rick, coppers is very good
Fantastic candid shots, really impressed! :clap: I much prefer the mono ones though, something about black and white just works so well with street photography.

The one time I tried a candid shot I got such a bollocking from the old dear! Didn't understand a word of it either, she was spanish! :LOL:
Arkady - re the contrasty B&W conversion - I cheated and used an action I downloaded from somewhere. It creates a channel mixer adjustment layer as far as I can see (I'm a CS2 numpty :help: ). I can probably send you it if you want to have a play with it and make it less contrasty, then of course you could send the improved version back to me ;) :D


Well I had a look at what the action did and it just created a simple channel mixer layer with the following settings;
Output channel: grey
Red: 70%
Green: 80%
Blue: 25%
Constant: -25%

So I had a play on my own to make it less contrasty (as per Arkady's suggestion) and here it is. Might have made it too light now. Certainly shows more detail in the coppers' coat etc :shrug:


hmm it does look a little too light to me now. Maybe somewhere about halfway between the two :)

Good shots all round anyway :)

I do wish someone would teach me how to not be a wuss when photographing people / street candids. I'd love to do more but just haven't got the guts to.
Great set, the cop looks like he's calling swat to come and take you down. lmao.
I do wish someone would teach me how to not be a wuss when photographing people / street candids. I'd love to do more but just haven't got the guts to.

Arkady will sort you out at the Yorkshire meet!
Rich - I'd still like to know in these shots do you ever approach the subjects before or after to ask permission? Do you ever get a less than positive reaction?

Nope, just point and shoot :)
I chose York cos there's always loads of tourists with cameras, so I thought they'd be used to it :shrug:
Well done! For your first time they are a nice set. I congratulate you.
I have been hooked on SP for a couple of months now and still haven’t got quite the hung of it.
If you look at you will find, like I have, lots of guidance and inspiration.
You can see my efforts on: and on this forum.
I agree with most of the comments here. A bit too much contrast but nice nevertheless.
Once again, well done and thanks for posting. Keep it up.
Try moving the red slider all the way down to about 18-20%, then the green and Blue sliders to about 30-50% respectively.
Remember that 'real' black and white film is over-sensitive to light in the 'blue' end of the spectrum, so these settings will more accurately replicate the look from B&W film in Digital.
Try moving the red slider all the way down to about 18-20%, then the green and Blue sliders to about 30-50% respectively.
Remember that 'real' black and white film is over-sensitive to light in the 'blue' end of the spectrum, so these settings will more accurately replicate the look from B&W film in Digital.

Thanks Arkady, I'll give it a go