Three that came to visit.

John Ingrouille
Edit My Images
Good shots John - I prefer this eye-work to some of the others that you have posted

  • for me, I feel the backgrounds are just too busy and sometimes "cluttered" for shots like these

  • I don't know how you feel about backgrounds as far as "colours" are concerned but I also prefer to see "colours" that do not "compete" too much with the subject, i.e. the bird

  • If placed "food" can be cloned out successfully I would always do that

  • a turn of the bird head a little more towards the camera would have made 2 and 3 more attractive, IMHO

Obviously the bg in image #3 can be pulled back

I can see the care taken in these shots and their high technical quality - well done
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Thanks for comments, I didn't do any work on their eyes funny really when I did lift the eyes before people said said it was wasn't right?. I do agree about the bust behind I thought it would have come out much darker that was quite a surprise really. Very good sugestion about cloning out the's funny how sometimes you miss the obvious things, I about 100 shots and a lot were looking towards the camera but I had posted them elsewhere as well so thought I would put these on here......bad idea. :)

Cheers John
Thanks for sharing lovely images John. Big Ahhh from the missus :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Blue tit is the pick of the bunch for me.....background is a tad oversaturated ,not saying thats not what the background looked like ,its just taking over the image (n)
I agree it was a yellow bush and quite dark (in shade) when I started but the sun came through for a short while and lite the bush up but I didn't think it would be like that. I will have a go and darken it a bit.
Cheers John
Excellent set John, very nice (y)