Through the looking glass...

Really? No views at all!? Do people see my name and run a mile? :s
Nah I love DTM - great event at Brands :) :)

I like the concept of the photo, but struggling to work out what it is?
First I've seen it :) and its intriguing - not sure what to make of the left hand side - lots of emptiness there...a good space for the title I guess - perhaps the whole is a little to 'abstract' for my tastes...

The link simply reproduces the shot btw it doesn't go to your flickr set :)
It looks like a weird reflection/refraction of a house in a pint of bear. Personally I think there's too much space on the left for my liking, but... it works well with where you've put the writing, I could see this as part of an advert.
Thanks guys :)

It's a pint of beer and the reflection is of a few branches, the streetlights and a large house.

The concept of 'through the looking glass' is meant to portray the feeling of 'beer goggles', and hopefully the reflection shows that and also the reflection of the concept... not sure if that makes sense...

The space on the left was me concentrating on the concept too, as if there's a void to be filled by drinking. What can I say - I live on the Micklegate run in York! :p

Sorry about the plain link to the flickr, I'm still trying to work it all out!

Thanks for the comment, much appreciated. :)
Now joined the TP group on Flickr so will hopefully learn more. :)