Tide Times Prediction

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I think this is probably the most suitable forum but mods please feel free to move.

Does anyone know of a tide prediction app where you can search for a high tide at a particular time of day and it will return the next day this will occur at that location, or is it a question of going through on a daily basis until I find what I'm looking for ? So far a lot of the sites I've seen only predict up to the next five days.

Any advice appreciated or rules of thumb I can use to reduce my search time please
I think this is probably the most suitable forum but mods please feel free to move.

Does anyone know of a tide prediction app where you can search for a high tide at a particular time of day and it will return the next day this will occur at that location, or is it a question of going through on a daily basis until I find what I'm looking for ? So far a lot of the sites I've seen only predict up to the next five days.

Any advice appreciated or rules of thumb I can use to reduce my search time please
There are, but I can't remember what they were, I used them on a PC.

But, when ever I go to my home in Devon, I by a Tides Table which is a small A6 booklet.
Available for most coastal places.
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This is one I was looking at the other day, trying to establish the times that photos were taken during our 2019 visit.

Maybe the website could be useful


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This is one I was looking at the other day, trying to establish the times that photos were taken during our 2019 visit.

Maybe the website could be useful
Thanks for that unfortunately the web site only looks forward for 7 days
The tide times advance by roughly 50 minutes per day [not to be used for navigation!]
"Tides Near Me" is the app I use on my iPhone, works for me and like most only gives info for the next 7 days.
Do you have a particular location in mind? How far ahead do you want to look? Are you more interested in a particular time of day - or the height of the tide?

Portsmouth predictions are available for a month ahead. However, the highest water will occur when high water is between 1 and 2 o'clock.
Do you have a particular location in mind? How far ahead do you want to look? Are you more interested in a particular time of day - or the height of the tide?

Portsmouth predictions are available for a month ahead. However, the highest water will occur when high water is between 1 and 2 o'clock.
It's for the East Anglian coast and to help plan when high tide coincides with my availability to get out or for example sunrise / sunset
For local nature marsh near me that can flood at High tides I use this site https://tides.willyweather.co.uk/, This I think covers the UK and you can page forward on the 5 day forecast. I only use it for immediate information of a few days so cannot vouch for long term accuracy.
Most fishing tackle shops will sell you a tide table for a quid or two. Or you could use www.tidetimes.org.uk

I buy Tide Tables from RNLI shops. I then try to remember to take a photo of every page with my phone so I have the tables to hand rather than on the shelf!
I'm not sure if they still do but the NTSLF mentioned above used to have a subscription service for generating tide tables for up to two years in the future at least. Was able to produce them based on either Ordnance Datum or Chart Datum for tide height
I'm full of 'em! Them and schy... according to Mrs Nod!!!
Windfinder is free and works for Android as well as ios, It gives tide info for coastal areas, with more detail if you click in the Superforecast for 3 days, rather than the longer forecast at the link. There's more detail on the Tides tab for looking over coming days.
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I use tidetimes.org.uk and pay the 7 ish quid a year for advanced forecasts.

You typically have to pay for anything longer than 7 days as the forecasts are owned by the UKHO and licensed out.
Buy a Lavers tide table booklet and Work it out yourself , I get one every year and go through it highlighting all the spring tides