Tiger cub from today edit added a shot

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evening everyone I had a nice relaxing day today watching the cubs again and chatting to fellow photographers:)
uncropped taken with the 300 and 1.4 converter


Must get down there and have a go. Smashing little fella (or gal maybe).. Nice shots, though I think #1 would have benefitted from a slight framing adjustment to the left.
Must get down there and have a go. Smashing little fella (or gal maybe).. Nice shots, though I think #1 would have benefitted from a slight framing adjustment to the left.

Thanks Glen:) and for theC&C good idea about the framing to adjustment will give it a try I think I've got some shots further to the left:)
Beautiful shots and way off the "Cuteness" Scale.(y)
Did you get him (her) for me?
When can I expect the courier?
Did you get him (her) for me?
When can I expect the courier?

Thanks Ruth :)
They havent been sexed yet
theres three of them this one is bolder than the other two
arriving to you friday so you'd better stay in:D
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Great shots Pete, loving his eyes in number 1 (y)
thanks Matt am pleased to get a nice one while their eyes are still blue:)
I didnt manage to get a decent one of the last lot of cubs when they were still tiny
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Great shots with excellent detail, perfect light too. great job Pete.
Where were these taken, I seem to be the only one who doesn't know!;):)

Great shots with excellent detail, perfect light too. great job Pete.
Where were these taken, I seem to be the only one who doesn't know!;):)


Thanks very much Tony really appreciate the comments:)
they were taken at Chester zoo, sorry I forgot to say :D
Thanks very much Tony really appreciate the comments:)
they were taken at Chester zoo, sorry I forgot to say :D

Thanks mate, appreciate the quick response. Bit of a trek for me to Chester :)

Look forward to seeing any more you get of this great subject.

Thanks mate, appreciate the quick response. Bit of a trek for me to Chester :)

Look forward to seeing any more you get of this great subject.


No worries will definitely post any more up mate :)
I don't get good shots that often tho they are asleep a lot, its a tricky enclosure and my reactions are slow I miss a few:D
PETE!!!!! how dare you post such cute pictures, when I asked you nicely not to :bat:
Absolutely gorgeous and beautifully captured (y)
Just been given an impromptu week off work next week, really tempted to book up somewhere and go see them
just need to find a co-driver, it's a damn long drive from here ;)
A great set you have pete it must of been amazing to see these guys

Thanks Kevin yes it was amazing he sat and looked at me for a couple of seconds really glad I caught the moment:)
Gremlin said:
PETE!!!!! how dare you post such cute pictures, when I asked you nicely not to :bat:
Absolutely gorgeous and beautifully captured (y)
Just been given an impromptu week off work next week, really tempted to book up somewhere and go see them
just need to find a co-driver, it's a damn long drive from here ;)


Hi Ingrid thanks its definately worth coming up to see them theres a baby rhino too
if Im off could meet up too:)

Hi Ingrid thanks its definately worth coming up to see them theres a baby rhino too
if Im off could meet up too:)

Would be midweek if I do Pete, but would be good to have a guide.
Just need some decent weather and I'll be on my way (y)
Would be midweek if I do Pete, but would be good to have a guide.
Just need some decent weather and I'll be on my way (y)

Sounds great just pm if you can make it
I work shifts so can do midweek from wendsday onwards
Lovely little thing and nicely caught (y)
Lovely little thing and nicely caught (y)

Thanks very much they are so cute, was dead pleased to catch him looking at me I got lucky:)
apparently they were due to have their vet checks yesterday so we should hear soon what sex they are, it hasn't been announced yet though
Excellent work Pete, I can almost hear the "roar" that the cub is making! It was lovely to watch these little cubs, despite the half term crowds.

Sounds great just pm if you can make it
I work shifts so can do midweek from wendsday onwards

I'll pm you my mobile number if I do, in case I have no internet connection
Weather is looking ok atm
Excellent work Pete, I can almost hear the "roar" that the cub is making! It was lovely to watch these little cubs, despite the half term crowds.


Thanks Chris:)
he was really loud for such a little thing:D
Yes it was packed at when the schools were off
I'll pm you my mobile number if I do, in case I have no internet connection
Weather is looking ok atm

Yes good plan , hopefully the weather will be good sor far its looks ok:)
Must get down there and have a go. Smashing little fella (or gal maybe).. Nice shots, though I think #1 would have benefitted from a slight framing adjustment to the left.
I've reedited the shot (I found one that was more to the left) I do see what you mean it does look better with a slight framing adjustment to the left
thanks again Glenn:)
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What a little stunner Pete.... looks like you had some sun so thats cool.

Guessing their fur gets more orange as they get older.
wow can I have one :banana:really nice shots great subject
thanks very much Gary :):)yes I wanted to take one home don't know what our moggies would have made of him though:D
What a little stunner Pete.... looks like you had some sun so thats cool.

Guessing their fur gets more orange as they get older.
Thanks Bryn much appreciated:)
yes they are quite pale at the moment I haven't increased the colour of the fur or eyes its pretty much as they look at the moment
yes was made up to get a bit of nice light , I waited ages for him to come out of the shade into a bit of light:):)
here's another one from the same day I messed up the exposure a bit the sun came out and just caught his face, I overexposed his face and underexposed the rest
I had a go at developing the raw twice and blending the two together

Excellent image, you made the best of the situation, you should be happy!
Another cracking set Mike, the last 2 for me, you did well on the re-edits (y)