Tiger Territory

Thats a wonderful tiger and a great attempt Kim but to me it looks a little out of focus
hmm yea the lens i was using is new and im not used to it, really struggled to stop it blurring
Hi Kim, looks a nice cat, as said it looks soft, was it shot through glass, as the colour needs poping as well, maybe a bit of contrast would help as well, sorry if that sounds negative,
What mode where you shooting in AV/ TV / auto,
Shutter speed is the most important thing, need to make sure it at least equals the focal length, i.e. if 400mm the 1/400 if 300.. then 1/300.
Yeah it was through glass on a vey sunny day so was a lot of reflections on the glass. By focal length do you mean the size of my lens. Sorry I'm very new to this. It was shot in p mode (I think, took a lot of pics today)
Ah, that makes a lot of sense then if it was shot through glass, probably would be a bit on the blurred side.

The focal length is the distance at which the lens was set to focus. If you look on the side of your lens you'll see the focal range numbers and normally a little white marker which points to wherever the lens is set at that time. As you move the lens in or out the marker will be hovering over a different focal length
Oooohhhh and it's best to set your shutter speed to that length!? That's a good tip
Yep as Ian said about focal length, try using AV for a while, set the appature to say F5.6ish for the shallow depth of feild, that works well for zoos to hide the background, then just keep an eye on the shutter speed, if it is a bit slow adjust the ISO up a small amount, also iff shooting through glass, a good way to control the reflection is if you have a lens hood put it against the glass (flat) if not cup the lens end with you hand to brevent the light getting in.
Hey, thanks for all the tips, I was doing the whole hand over the lens thing. Will try with my lens hood next time I go..