Tim Monaghan - Landscape photography Vlog

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Good Afternoon Everyone,

I've started my own landscape photography channel which I would like to share with you. The reason I've done this, is because I always get questions from my followers on instagram, but, mainly because my family and friends always ask "what do I do" when I'm out in the field and getting up at 3:30am on the weekend. Its a great video diary to have.
I've got a new found respect for vloggers, as its not easy producing quality content, let alone having to do it twice a week.

Anyway, here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJSXsBsgp3f3ilF_F47x-8A

I would really like some constructive feedback and ideas on what you think people would like to see moving forward. If you like it, PLEASE like, comment and subscribe as it does make all of the difference.

I love our community.
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Good for you Tim!

I would really like some constructive feedback and ideas on what you think people would like to see moving forward.
I skipped the 1st minute cos I couldn't hear the audio at all.
I think the (video) camera work is nice and the duration works well. I would imaging your family would be chuffed to see it, as it makes a great video diary I think. If I were family, I would definitely sub.

As a photographer though, who watches quite a lot of YouTube, I wouldn't sub to this channel. But then I don't sub to Thomas Heaton, the other fella with the dog and the other fella with the dog & the hat. I think it's because I like to learn something when I watch videos. Your video is very much a video diary.

But I do appreciate the amount of work it takes to make them, so kudos to you! The production quality is very watchable. Apart from the sound in the wind :)