time lapse under shop lighting..advice please

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I'm making a time lapse "video" of an installation in a department store, which means during the job different lights in different places will be turning on and off and the unit that is being fitted will be lit at the end of the install...what's the best way to keep the light consistency through out the job?
Any advice would be much appreciated
the camera will be on a tripod in manual and in manual focus on a timer release
Thanks Andy
If your camera has auto ISO that would be my suggestion, set the camera in manual, choose the shutter speed and aperture based on an average, and let the camera change the ISO to suit the lighting conditions of the shot.

I'd also place a grey card in shot somewhere, somewhere it can easily be spotted out, so you can correct the white balance to make sure it is neutral across the video, even with different light temperatures.

I use Capture One and can add a dust spot removal to a batch, to remove the grey card on the files. I'd divide the files into batches done with the same lighting, then correct each batches white balance, set the grey card to be removed, then batch process the files ready for turning into the timelapse.