To Repair Or Not......


Also loves to mass debate
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I have enjoyed my Canon 1000D for the past 7 months. I have put it to the test i.e., taking over 10K pics with it.

Unfortunately it got a tad wet at a TP meet at Ingleton Falls, and after that worked for some time (even made another TP meet to Chester Zoo) and then gave up the ghost.

I have been quoted £125.00 for a service repair

But my question is .........

Is it worth the price for the repair (even though it has a 6 month warrenty on the repair). Or should I just write it off and look at saving up for another camera body?

I have recently been away on holiday, and had to resort to my Kodak and Mobile phone cameras, but found myself constantly going to the lens to focus (old habits die hard lol)

So the question is ...... do I or don't I repair?


Dawn :)
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A new body is probably going to cost you a decent bit more than £125

That said, if you were looking for a reason to upgrade, it's probably a good one - might still be worth paying out for the repair though as you could always keep it as backup and even if you want to sell it on, you'll get more for a working camera than a broken one :)
I think the questions you need to ask yourself are:

1. How much would a replacement cost?
2. Does the camera meet your current needs or were you thinking of an upgrade already.

If a replacement is considerably more than the repair, or the 2nd hand value post repair is greater than the repair costs. I would have the repair.
Home insurance claim? New body from them perhaps.
get it repaired and keep as back up if you have funds to buy a new camera. You can always sell it on at a later date.

I had a water damaged 40d body that couldn't be repaired but as it was under warranty had it replaced with a 50D
Thanks for the replies so far ...... not sure about the home insurance one, sounds good but I'm too honest to do that lol
What's wrong with home got it wet, you dropped it in the sink :D

A used body only on ebay went for £250. Try ebay selling it as needing repair then upgrade to a Nikon (y)
What's wrong with home got it wet, you dropped it in the sink :D

A used body only on ebay went for £250. Try ebay selling it as needing repair then upgrade to a Nikon (y)

Always look on the bright side of things ~whistle~ haha

Hey I am up ***** street here and need to decide what to do!

I am leaning to the competition at the mo, as I am not getting the support from Canon on this one!

So don't be surprised if you see me displaying NIKON in the future!


D :)
I have a friend at work looking to upgrade from a p&s and with her budget I'm steering her to the Nikon D5000 at £464 with kit lens at Amazon is a great price. It also means she can borrow my kit as well.
repair. IMO you should only write something off if the cost of repair exceeds the value of the item (that is the very definition of write-off, no?) so in this case, repair and take advantage of the 6 months warranty.
Hey i had the same dilemma a few years back with a lens. It was my main walk around lens, and although not very expensive it does have a reasonable range. I was quoted £120 for a repair and in the end opted for it.

As said, new equipment is going to cost a lot more. If you are thinking about upgrading, what would you upgrade to? If you take say a 40d or 50d, then the 40d will cost probably another £300 at least, could you afford that? Another suggestion may be to go for a 400d which essentially is the same camera albeit with a slightly higher buffer for RAW shooting, these can be had for around £250 ish....
repair. IMO you should only write something off if the cost of repair exceeds the value of the item (that is the very definition of write-off, no?) so in this case, repair and take advantage of the 6 months warranty.

Thank you!

Just what I was thinking. I could pay for the repair, and it could last me for years (hopefully).

And then I could pass it on to my son (who is 5 now, but showing a very keen interst in photography)

By then I may have been able to save enough pennies to upgrade and take my hobby further :)


D :)
If the cost is limited to the figure you quoted, repair, without a doubt.

If the cost of repair goes above 2/3 of the cost ot replace that is when I start looking at replacements.

With regard to support - not sure what you were expecting off Canon that they have not delivered on?
Thanks for the replies so far ...... not sure about the home insurance one, sounds good but I'm too honest to do that lol

Most insurance policies cover items under a certain value outside of the home so there would be nothing disshonest about making a claim.

Check your policy
at the end of the day, its worth very little or nothing in its present condition, even if you wanted to sell it on you'd be better off repairing it first.
I am leaning to the competition at the mo, as I am not getting the support from Canon on this one!

what were your expectations of canons support in this situation, from what you have told us on here you got the camera wet and given that the camera isnt weathersealed its not a warranty repair, they have offered to repair the camera at what is a fairly reasonable price.

Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread, I appreciate your comments and support.

I took everything on board and went for it, I had my camera repaired, where they had to replace the motor drive PCB.

It was returned to me today, and I am one very happy bunny :)

It did, however, cost me £155.22 (repair, p&p) but then again that comes with a 6 months warranty (on the repair), but then again I did put the poor cam through 11K+ actuations in less than 7 months, subjected it to a spit & spot of rain and a bit of a dust storm (normal for a novice?), so I can't complain too much.

I have to give credit to the Colchester Repair Centre staff for their patience with me throughout my decision making as to whether to repair or not, they were very professional and polite and they obviously have experienced technicians who have managed to bring my camera back to life :clap:

Now I am just hoping for some great photography opportunities (minus the natural elements) to get me back into the swing on things :D

One good thing that has come from this experience is that I have had time on hand to process pics that I had put to one side, and also got to grips with my more basic equipment, i.e., the old faithful Kodak EasyShare DX4530 and my Nokia N95 mobile camera.

As I like to say, it is not the equipment that you have, but what you do with it that counts :)

Thanks again to everyone

and now I have to get out there and take pics .....

watch this space I may just post some photos soon

Take care

Dawn :)
I wouldn't like to put a claim on my policy for a few hundred quid. I agree with trencheel303, it's not a write-off and would get it repaired.
I wouldn't like to put a claim on my policy for a few hundred quid. I agree with trencheel303, it's not a write-off and would get it repaired.

Yeh, I agree and gave it much thought from all the helpful comments here and went for the repair. I am so far very happy I did it now, as I got my camera back today ;)
Nice one, just realised I posted a little late for this. Oyster Bay on offer up the road and I'm loving it but sadly my attention to detail isn't hehe
Glad your back up and running, I thought everything had sorted itself after it's drowning.

Get snapping now and put it behind you. I have with all the problems I've had and now I'm gettin back in the groove :D
Dawn did they say the PCB was damaged by water ingress?, if not then to my mind as it was only 7 months old the repair should have been done under warranty and not cost you more than the postage and packing.
I would be asking the repair company and contacting canon for a refund of the repair bill.
Dawn did they say the PCB was damaged by water ingress?, if not then to my mind as it was only 7 months old the repair should have been done under warranty and not cost you more than the postage and packing.
I would be asking the repair company and contacting canon for a refund of the repair bill.

Must admit I wouldnt offer up info that I had got it wet when asking for repair, however like most portable electronics I wouldnt be surprised if it had a litmus style detector inside which changes colour when wet, like in mobile phones. If they didnt say it had been water damaged I would expect a warranty repair.
Nice one, just realised I posted a little late for this. Oyster Bay on offer up the road and I'm loving it but sadly my attention to detail isn't hehe

No worries, thanks for the input ;)
Glad your back up and running, I thought everything had sorted itself after it's drowning.

Get snapping now and put it behind you. I have with all the problems I've had and now I'm gettin back in the groove :D

Thanks Chris, you saw what I was like 'happy snappy' at the Chester Zoo meet a while back, and it was great to meet you ;)

It has been a long haul, but yes I am back up and running as you state.

Had to go through much stress to get to this point, but hey at least I now have a camera that is working again.

Hope you are keeping well.

Take care

D ;)
Must admit I wouldnt offer up info that I had got it wet when asking for repair, however like most portable electronics I wouldnt be surprised if it had a litmus style detector inside which changes colour when wet, like in mobile phones. If they didnt say it had been water damaged I would expect a warranty repair.

I didn't tell them about it getting wet when I took it into the Repair Centre, because I didn't believe that was the problem as the camera had worked after a dry out. Not sure about the litmus detector :)lol: the last time I experimented with litmus was 22 years ago and the teachers hair was never the same again :LOL:)

Dawn did they say the PCB was damaged by water ingress?, if not then to my mind as it was only 7 months old the repair should have been done under warranty and not cost you more than the postage and packing.
I would be asking the repair company and contacting canon for a refund of the repair bill.

No they didn't say the PCB was damaged by water ingress.

I appreciate both comments about the warrenty, but unfortunately, after contacting the seller (who is a TP member) there was no evidance to substantiate the warrenty so as a result Canon and the Repair Centre would not approve it as a warrenty repair, which I can appreciate.

But I have, nonetheless, learnt a lesson, not to buy anything, even if stated NEW with a full warrenty, without substantiating paperwork, not to accept such a deal.

So in the end I probably paid the full wack for a camera, that has caused me some hassel, but hopefully won't cause me any more as I really like my Canon Eos 1000D, it suits my small hands and does everything I need as a novice.

Maybe my tune will change as I progress, but for now I am still in :love: with my camera.

D ;)
Dawn did they say the PCB was damaged by water ingress?, if not then to my mind as it was only 7 months old the repair should have been done under warranty and not cost you more than the postage and packing.
I would be asking the repair company and contacting canon for a refund of the repair bill.

I didn't tell them about it getting wet when I took it into the Repair Centre, because I didn't believe that was the problem as the camera had worked after a dry out. Not sure about the litmus detector :)lol: the last time I experimented with litmus was 22 years ago and the teachers hair was never the same again :LOL:)

No they didn't say the PCB was damaged by water ingress.

I appreciate both comments about the warrenty, but unfortunately, after contacting the seller (who is a TP member) there was no evidance to substantiate the warrenty so as a result Canon and the Repair Centre would not approve it as a warrenty repair, which I can appreciate.

But I have, nonetheless, learnt a lesson, not to buy anything, even if stated NEW with a full warrenty, without substantiating paperwork, not to accept such a deal.

So in the end I probably paid the full wack for a camera, that has caused me some hassel, but hopefully won't cause me any more as I really like my Canon Eos 1000D, it suits my small hands and does everything I need as a novice.

Maybe my tune will change as I progress, but for now I am still in :love: with my camera.

D ;)

Repair was the right decision, however I'm not sure you should have been paying for it. I still think it should have been done under warranty, paperwork or no.
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Repair was the right decision, however I'm not sure you should have been paying for it. I still think it should have been done under warranty, paperwork or no.

Thanks, but i was up against a constant battle about that. No party was going to budge, so in the end I just had to go with the cost of the repair, **** happens, and I have learned my lesson.

D :)
Perhaps a positive side to look at things is that a paying repair is usually done quicker than a warranty repair. I had my camera and grip in for a warranty repair (it was the grip cog) and it took over 3 working weeks at A&J Jonstone despite me dropping it off in person and collecting in person. My uncle-in-law puts his in for a service (paying) and I think it takes only a day or so.

Can't blame them though as if it were my business I'd do the same as it's more logical business sense lol
Perhaps a positive side to look at things is that a paying repair is usually done quicker than a warranty repair. I had my camera and grip in for a warranty repair (it was the grip cog) and it took over 3 working weeks at A&J Jonstone despite me dropping it off in person and collecting in person. My uncle-in-law puts his in for a service (paying) and I think it takes only a day or so.

Can't blame them though as if it were my business I'd do the same as it's more logical business sense lol

You have a point there ;)
Thanks, but i was up against a constant battle about that. No party was going to budge, so in the end I just had to go with the cost of the repair, **** happens, and I have learned my lesson.

D :)

I know how it goes. I'd have probably done the same as I'd be wanting my camera working asap and paying would undoubtedly be the quickest route. As you say **** happens.
Glad your sorted Dawn............(y)