Today I will be mainly shooting my F3

Andy Grant
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I'm off to Jodrell Bank in a bit to see the Flaming Lips, British Sea Power and some others who's names escape me and I thought I would take the F3 and try and get a picture for the TP Photo Day. We're loaded up with Kodak Ektra 100 and we're ready to go.(y)

Anyone else doing anything interesting today?

Going to be processing more film - getting through my pile of 11, done 5 over the last week. Spent a lot of time shooting recently so need to get through all of it (digital + film).

I wonder how the Flaming Lips are live, the only album I listened to was Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots which I liked a lot...
I'm off to Jodrell Bank in a bit to see the Flaming Lips, British Sea Power and some others who's names escape me and I thought I would take the F3 and try and get a picture for the TP Photo Day. We're loaded up with Kodak Ektra 100 and we're ready to go.(y)

Anyone else doing anything interesting today?


Sounds nice lucky you, I've run out of things to shoot in cycling distance and my grandchildren ain't coming over :crying: anybody want to see a shot of a carrot or leek or something, in my garden.
Going to be processing more film - getting through my pile of 11, done 5 over the last week. Spent a lot of time shooting recently so need to get through all of it (digital + film).

I wonder how the Flaming Lips are live, the only album I listened to was Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots which I liked a lot...

Apparently its a bit of mad feast for the eyes loads of crazy costumes and a light/video show thats going to be projected into the dish of the radio telescope itself.

Brian, I think vegetable photography is the coming thing(y)

Wow, that was something special........
Good Day out had by all ?

The two rolls I processed had some shots I was happy with, so yes indeed! Will post them on flickr/photos from film forum at some point when I get the chance. Also managed to post process a lot of my recent scans (they usually don't need too much work).
I won't have my film shots back till later in the week, but I will post a few 'ahem' dijikal ones later. It was one of the most amazing things I've seen in a good long while. The Flming Lips are from a different planet, their shows are amazing and to be at Jodrell Bank right underneath the main Radio Telescope was special. I'll not say how special, you'll have to look at the thread I will put up later.....


It did look good, a friend of mine was an official tog there, looked wicked!!!
I think vegetable photography is the coming thing

esp handy if you want to test a lens out without leaving the house ;)

If you see an old Tamron 28mm f2.8 (one before 28mm f2.5) going for a few pounds then get it, this confusing shot shows it's sharp Oh and it's my first attempt of greenhouse growing tomatoes and peppers:-
